Encouraging use of "B-word" instead of "N-word" in speech.

The use of the N-word can have a harmful and tense effect.

October 10th 2024.

Encouraging use of
Music has always been a passion of mine, particularly hip hop. The genre's powerful messages of change and equality have always inspired me, especially during difficult times in my life. I remember one specific moment when the music I was listening to mirrored my own emotions - it was when my brother was almost stabbed when I was just 18 years old.

One of the things I love about music is its ability to get us through tough times. I vividly recall the lyrics from KRS-One's song "Sound of da Police" that spoke about injustice. "Officer, officer, officer, officer. Yeah, officer from overseer. You need a little clarity? Check the similarity. The overseer rode around the plantation - the officer is off, patrolling all the nation." Songs like this resonated with me then, and they still do now. That's why I have a deep respect for the genre and why I'm issuing a challenge to musicians.

My challenge is for artists to eliminate the use of the N-word in their tracks and replace it with the word "brother." As someone who grew up listening to hip hop in the 1970s and 80s, I noticed a shift in the 90s. Record labels seemed to only want to sign artists who rapped about violence, used derogatory language towards women and the LGBTQ+ community, and used the N-word liberally. This often spilled into real-world violence between rival artists. As much as I love these genres, I don't enjoy hearing the N-word, whether it's in music or anywhere else.

Of course, there are times when certain words are reclaimed and turned into something positive, like the word "queer." However, I have never found the N-word empowering in any context. This year's theme for Black History Month is "Reclaiming Narratives," which is a significant step towards recognizing and correcting misconceptions about Black history and culture. It's the perfect time for a cultural shift away from the oppressive and negative nature of the N-word. By using "brother" instead, we can encourage a new and positive generation of young people.

I know it's not realistic to expect the N-word to disappear completely, but I believe musicians can lead the way in reducing its use. A good first step would be for artists to re-release their tracks with the N-word replaced by "brother." We've seen this happen before - in 2018, Guns N' Roses removed a song with the N-word and other offensive language from a reissued album.

This issue isn't just about white artists using the N-word; I want all musicians to stop using it. This change will help us build a solid wall of resistance against racism. Some may argue that the N-word has a better flow in music, but both words have two syllables. Plus, using "brother" promotes a sense of brotherhood, which I believe is more important than maintaining a certain flow.

I truly believe that if the N-word is no longer repeated in popular culture, people will be exposed to it less and less and eventually stop saying it. This is especially important because young, impressionable music fans often repeat the lyrics they hear. If we start using "brother" instead, we can encourage a new generation to use more positive and inclusive language.

If we stop using and celebrating the N-word, it will become less popular in music. That's why we all need to be part of this change - from the musicians making the music to the consumers who listen to it. We have to take a stand against this word, just like how Black people eventually gained the right to sit anywhere on the bus by boycotting and finding other forms of transportation.

As we celebrate Black History Month, I want to use my platform to uplift the Black community. So, I challenge all of us to stop using songs that feature the harmful N-word and instead, build a loving and united community. I may listen to a variety of music, from Dolly Parton to Tupac, but I want to see hip hop return to its roots of education and protest.

By using the word "brother" instead of the N-word, we can build a brotherhood and remove the divisive and harmful language used in many songs. It's time to start nodding and smiling at each other, like we did when Obama became President in 2008. I often smile and nod at random people, and it brings me joy. As Marianne Williamson once said, "It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us." And for those who perpetuate negative stereotypes and language towards the Black community, it is our love and unity that truly scares them.

If we want to reclaim the narrative and thrive, we need to let more light into our lives by eradicating negativity, starting with the N-word. When we hear about Black-on-Black crime, we should ask ourselves, "What do they see when they look in each other's eyes?" Why do they not see the love, power, and creativity of a young Black man? It's time to change the narrative and focus on positivity and brotherhood.

Some may not understand the importance of using positive language and uplifting messages in the media we consume. But as someone who has always been drawn to hip hop for its power and impact, I know it can be an education and a form of protest. Let's make it that way again.

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