Encouraging Australians to explore beyond Bali, a new direct flight opens up exciting opportunities for travelers.

AirAsia is resuming its Perth-Jakarta non-stop route, the first time since the outbreak of the pandemic.

March 30th 2023.

Encouraging Australians to explore beyond Bali, a new direct flight opens up exciting opportunities for travelers.
Perth travellers now have the opportunity to explore Indonesia beyond Bali with direct flights to Jakarta taking off from June 2. The AirAsia non-stop route has opened between Perth and Jakarta for the first time since the pandemic. Tourism Minister Roger Cook said, “We’re really excited to be welcoming both business, tourists and students to Western Australia when this service starts in June this year.” AirAsia Indonesia CEO Yeranita Yosephine added, “We are promoting tourism destinations beyond Bali. Bali’s fantastic, there’s a lot of tourism demand going to Bali but Indonesia is more than just Bali.”

(Image Source: http://www.9news.com.au)

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