Employee loses job for clocking out on schedule

A Redditor shared a strange story of being fired from a Gurgaon startup after 20 days for having an attitude problem and not being down to earth.

February 26th 2025.

Employee loses job for clocking out on schedule
A recent Reddit post has been making waves as an employee shared a rather strange story about their work experience. The anonymous man revealed that he was fired from a Gurgaon-based startup after only 20 days of being employed. According to his post, his employer accused him of having an "attitude problem" and not being "down to earth."

The man explained that things started to go awry soon after he joined the company. He couldn't quite understand why he was being perceived in such a negative light. Despite this, he tried to address the issue by telling his employer that he didn't believe he had an attitude problem and that he would work on it, even though he didn't fully understand why he was being accused of it.

The Reddit post went on to reveal that the employer had a problem with the man and two other new employees taking tea breaks together. He was told that forming groups was not good for the company. The situation escalated when the employer started criticizing the man for leaving the office on time. It seemed that no matter what he did, the man couldn't seem to please his boss.

Things came to a head on the 20th day when the man was asked to work from the director's cabin instead of his own desk. This seemed odd to him, as he questioned why he would need to sit in a cabin with the director all day. Later that day, he took a peek outside the cabin to see if his colleague was still there for their usual evening tea break. This seemingly innocent act triggered the director, who then proceeded to ask HR to terminate the man immediately.

The post quickly gained attention, sparking discussions online about the employer's behavior. Many were quick to criticize the employer, calling their behavior inappropriate. Others shared their own bizarre workplace experiences, with one user saying, "These people are rubbish, seriously." Another added, "Good riddance to bad garbage."

It's clear that this employee's experience was far from ideal, and it's unfortunate that things had to end in such a way. Let this be a lesson to employers to treat their employees with respect and to address any issues in a professional and fair manner. After all, a happy and supportive work environment is key to a successful company.

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