Emmerdale star Ash Palmisciano was scared to reveal he was transgender, but the outcome was wonderful.

Ash tells Metro.co.uk his transgender journey for our Pride feature.

June 30th 2024.

Emmerdale star Ash Palmisciano was scared to reveal he was transgender, but the outcome was wonderful.
When Emmerdale star Ash Palmisciano made his debut on the show as the first ever trans man to play a leading trans male role in a UK soap, he was met with an overwhelming amount of love and support from fans. As an inspiration to many, some people even reached out to him directly to express their gratitude for his representation on screen. At 34 years old, Ash is proud to play the everyman character who is not solely defined by his gender identity.

Currently, his character Matty is facing a tough but relevant storyline as he struggles in prison, fearing that his fellow inmates will discover he is trans. This is just one of the many important stories that Ash has had the privilege of portraying on Emmerdale, including a recent wedding to Amy Wyatt, played by Natalie Ann Jamieson. Off-screen, Ash has had his own journey and he sat down with me as part of The Agency's Pride month coverage to discuss his experiences.

"Can you tell me about your experiences of Pride and what it means to you?" I asked Ash. He replied, "For me, Pride is incredibly important. It's an amazing reminder that there's a whole community out there ready to support you. Sadly, in this day and age, that isn't always the case if you're LGBTQ+. It's a chance to step into a world where everyone is super accepting and everyone celebrates being who you are. It's a chance to recharge and remind yourself that it's absolutely fine to be yourself and actually, it makes you unique and amazing."

Ash continued, "I've always been drawn to Pride and passionate about helping out with Prides as well. I presented Hull Pride last year and it was absolutely incredible. The atmosphere was just unreal. Everyone was happy, supportive and inclusive. It didn't matter what you looked like or who you were, and there's something so magical about that."

I asked Ash about his first Pride experience and he said, "I remember being completely overwhelmed and excited in a positive way, at how many other people there were similar to me. It was so exciting as a younger person seeing all the colours and the parades, feeling really accepted. It was a real confidence boost, a real reminder that there's all these amazing people who are all different - and that's ok."

He continued, "Growing up, I also experienced trans Pride in Brighton for the first time. It was incredible. It's a little bit more of a protest, with a huge parade and a walk through the streets of Brighton. I remember standing there and it was so powerful being with so many people who had your back and were supportive, celebrating you!"

Ash then shared some advice for those struggling with their sexuality or gender identity, "I always say to anybody, 'If you're out there and you're struggling with your sexuality, or your gender, Pride is a really good place to go to feel accepted and to know you're not alone in the world.'"

When asked about his first Pride following his role on Emmerdale, Ash said, "The first Pride was in Leeds and we did the Parade with the team. The atmosphere - you can't quite bottle it. It's so happy and so joyous and gives you the reminder that there's a lot of people out to support you."

I brought up the reality of LGBTQ+ acceptance online and asked Ash for his thoughts. He replied, "Yeah, I always say that social media isn't really an accurate portrayal of what people think and what's going on in the world. We often only see a certain viewpoint a lot. I think it's really lovely to go to Pride because there's sometimes thousands of people that just celebrate love, no matter who you are. You don't even have to be LGBTQ+ to enjoy that. It's a really wholesome, lovely day, reminding you that you're not on your own in the world."

Ash also shared his personal journey with coming out, saying, "I took the scenic route to get to where I am. It took me a bit of time to figure out who I was and to have the confidence to say that. When I was growing up, there was absolutely no representation on TV for trans people and when we started to see bits and bobs, it was never positive."

He continued, "So obviously, it was such a huge thing for me to come out. I didn't really want to come out and be rejected or disliked. When I eventually did, because I think naturally you can't hide who you are - there's nothing more normal than being yourself - I got to that point and luckily my family were supportive. I have a very lovely sister who I trusted very much and I could speak to about how I was perhaps struggling with myself a bit and thinking about growing up. I got down to who I was. I was really lucky and I know that's not always the case with people and you have to be careful who you come out to, but for me it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder."

Ash also shared how being able to be himself has improved his relationships and allowed him to focus on his career. He said, "I wanted to fit in and be liked, be an actor and have a career and have a great group of friends - everything was perfect in my life and I was scared I was going to lose all that if I was myself. Actually what happened was, my relationships got better and my head was so clear that I could focus on my career and revisit the acting."
When Emmerdale star Ash Palmisciano first joined the show as the first ever trans man to play a leading trans male role in a UK soap, he was met with both excitement and fear. Ash had always been passionate about acting and was thrilled to have the opportunity to play a character who was not solely defined by his gender identity. However, he also feared rejection from both his colleagues and the audience for being true to himself.

Despite his initial fears, Ash's portrayal of Matty Barton quickly became a fan favourite and inspired many, some of whom reached out to him personally. As part of The Agency's Pride month coverage, Ash sat down to discuss his experiences with coming out, the importance of Pride, and the privilege of being able to represent the trans community on a mainstream platform like Emmerdale.

For Ash, Pride is incredibly important. It serves as a reminder that there is a whole community out there ready to support and celebrate individuals for who they are. In a world where acceptance is not always guaranteed for those who identify as LGBTQ+, Pride creates a safe and accepting space for people to be themselves and celebrate their uniqueness.

Ash has always been drawn to the joyous and inclusive atmosphere of Pride and has even had the opportunity to present at Hull Pride last year. The experience was unforgettable, with everyone coming together to celebrate love and acceptance, regardless of their appearance or identity. Ash will be returning to present at Hull Pride this year, and he is excited to once again be a part of such a magical event.

Reflecting on his first Pride experience, Ash remembers feeling overwhelmed and excited at the sight of so many people who were similar to him. As a young person, seeing the colours and parades and feeling accepted was a confidence boost and a reminder that it was okay to be different.

As he grew older, Ash also had the chance to attend trans Pride in Brighton, which was a powerful and emotional experience for him. Being surrounded by so many supportive and celebratory individuals was a reminder that he was not alone in his journey.

Ash's journey to self-acceptance and coming out was not an easy one. Growing up, there was little to no representation of trans people in the media, and when they were portrayed, it was often in a negative light. This made it even more daunting for Ash to come out, as he feared rejection and losing the life he had built for himself.

However, when he finally mustered the courage to come out, he was met with love and support from his family and close friends. This was a huge weight off his shoulders, and he was able to fully embrace and focus on his acting career. He also noticed that his relationships improved, and he was able to connect with people on a deeper level because he was finally being true to himself.

In a world where social media can often give a distorted view of acceptance, Ash believes that events like Pride serve as a reminder of the love and support that exist in the world. He encourages anyone who may be struggling with their sexuality or gender identity to attend Pride and experience the overwhelming sense of acceptance and community.

For Ash, being able to represent the trans community on a mainstream platform like Emmerdale is a privilege, and he hopes to continue inspiring and breaking barriers for future generations. He is grateful for the support he has received and is excited to see how far we have come in terms of LGBTQ+ acceptance, both on and off-screen.

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