Emmerdale reveals Arthur's secret relationship, but he wants to keep it from Laurel.

Arthur's love life takes an unexpected twist with the introduction of a new romantic interest.

September 9th 2024.

Emmerdale reveals Arthur's secret relationship, but he wants to keep it from Laurel.
Arthur had his sights set on someone special, but it seemed like trouble was brewing in the near future. Ever since returning to Emmerdale, he was a changed man. There was a newfound strength and confidence in him, enough to stand up to the notorious Jai. However, there was one person that still made him uneasy - his own mother.

After coming back from his travels in Australia, Arthur was met with a shattered family and a mother recovering from a heart attack. Soon after his return, he witnessed Laurel having a health scare, supposedly due to her recovery. This triggered Arthur's protective instincts and he lashed out at Jai for his mistreatment of her.

It was evident that Arthur had a strong influence on Jai. The teenager's confrontation about Jai's plans to take away Mulberry Cottage from Laurel struck a chord with him, and he backed down. It was a surprising revelation that Jai actually had a heart, all thanks to Arthur's intervention. Go Arthur!

However, this act of bravery came at a cost as Jai's pride was wounded by Arthur's mirror-like words. He was determined to mend their stepfather-stepson relationship, but Arthur wanted nothing to do with him. Even Charles, Jai's father, encouraged him to make amends, but Arthur remained stubborn. This left Jai with no choice but to resort to sneaky tactics to get what he wanted from Arthur.

But Arthur had other things on his mind, like his upcoming date. After everything that happened with Marshall Hamston, he was looking forward to a good time with Lewis. Jai also wanted to talk to him but kept it under wraps, considering his mother's fragile state. As Lewis came over, there was a spark between them, and despite some awkwardness, Arthur tried to ease the tension by offering him a beer.

Their date seemed to go well, but as they tried to discreetly dispose of the beer bottles, they were caught by Jai. This was the perfect opportunity for him to get the upper hand. Arthur was worried that Jai might tell Laurel and use it as leverage to make him talk.

Tune in to Emmerdale weeknights at 7:30pm on ITV1 and ITVX to see how this drama unfolds. And if you have any soap or TV stories, videos, or pictures, don't hesitate to reach out to us via email - we'd love to hear from you. Share your thoughts and stay updated on all things soaps by leaving a comment below and visiting our homepage.

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