Ella's Kitchen has a free book with recipes and advice for picky eaters.

Eating has never been simpler.

February 17th 2024.

Ella's Kitchen has a free book with recipes and advice for picky eaters.
Are you a parent struggling with feeding your picky toddler? Trust us, we've been there. As much as we may have mastered the art of weaning, toddlers are a whole different story. They have a knack for spitting food out, throwing it on the floor, or even tossing it right in our faces. It can be quite a challenge to keep up with their unpredictable eating habits.

But here's some good news! Our friends at Ella's Kitchen, an organic food brand, have come to our rescue with a brand new book filled with helpful tips, advice, and recipes. And the best part? It's completely free to download! We know, music to any parent's ears.

This handy guide from Ella's Kitchen can help you build balanced meals and provide yummy snack ideas that are packed with a variety of ingredients and flavors. Is your little one a fussy eater? Don't worry, the experts at Ella's Kitchen can help you combat meal refusal and encourage your child to explore new foods through various methods, such as sensory food play or trying different forms of food.

They say it takes a village to raise a child, and that's exactly why this free guide is so amazing. It can feel like having an extra pair of hands and provide much-needed support. And the best part? The recipes in this guide can be enjoyed by the whole family, including delicious dishes like Katsu curry and smoky bacon and butternut pasta.

At Ella's Kitchen, they believe in developing a positive relationship with food, which is why it's their brand mission. It all started back in 2006 when Ella's dad wanted to create tasty and exciting baby food that stood out from the bland and beige options. Their goal was to make food that was always healthy, always fun, and always tasty. And now, they offer everything from first taste purees to main meals and yummy desserts.

Honestly, their meals look so delicious that we want to eat them as adults too. What do you think? Let us know in the comments below. And while you're here, why not check out these other interesting articles? Did you know that olive oil and ice cream may be the next big food pairing? And if you're a parent, you'll definitely want to hear about this portable bottle warmer that's a game-changer for night feeds. Oh, and if you're in the market for a designer bag, we've found the perfect alternative to Birkin's Kelly for a fraction of the price. Happy reading!

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