Elder abuse is rampant: stats show seniors are often exploited by people they trust.

Victims less likely to report financial exploitation by someone they know, per study.

June 22nd 2023.

Elder abuse is rampant: stats show seniors are often exploited by people they trust.
Abusing or financially exploiting older adults is a shameful act that all of us must strive to protect against. A recent study by AARP and the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago revealed that Americans over 60 lose an alarming $28.3 billion each year due to financial exploitation.

Even more shocking, the study found that people close to the victims, such as family members, friends, and caregivers, are responsible for around three-quarters of that amount. Unfortunately, just because the elderly victim knows who is exploiting them does not mean they will report it. In fact, 88% of cases went unreported because the victim knew the person. This could be due to the victims wanting to save face for themselves and their family, friends, or caregiver, or feeling shame over the situation.

Recently, actor John Amos, famous for his role in Good Times, was said to be a victim of financial exploitation and elder abuse. His daughter, Shannon Amos, posted on Instagram on June 8, 2023, saying the 83-year-old actor was in the ICU and his home had been stripped bare. When Amos publicly refuted Shannon’s claims, she responded that it was in his best interest, even though it was likely embarrassing and upsetting to him.

Later, Amos revealed in a video that he believed he was the victim of elderly abuse by his daughter. The video was posted by Amos’ son, K.C. Amos, in which he called Shannon the “primary suspect” and attributed the elderly abuse to her.

The figures published by the AARP Public Policy Institute show that financial exploitation is more than twice what it was in March 2020. We must therefore act now to protect our elderly population from these kinds of shameful acts.

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