Egypt finds ancient artifacts, including a preserved head.

Ancient artifacts, possibly taken through illegal means, were unearthed and taken, dating back centuries.

August 27th 2024.

Egypt finds ancient artifacts, including a preserved head.
According to Egyptian officials, a remarkable discovery has been made. Three ancient artifacts, which were illegally taken out of Egypt, have been successfully retrieved in the Netherlands. Two of these items were even being sold in an antiques shop!

The embassy of Egypt in The Hague released a statement, revealing the details of the recovered items. These include a mummified head from the Hellenistic period, a ceramic funerary figurine dating back to the New Kingdom era, and a wooden tomb fragment with an inscription of the goddess Isis from the years 663 to 504 BC. The mummified head, in particular, was found to be in excellent condition, with traces of teeth and hair still intact.

Thanks to the joint efforts of Dutch police and the cultural heritage inspection unit, the figurines and tomb piece were successfully retrieved after it was confirmed that they were smuggled out of Egypt. Interestingly, the mummified head was handed over to the authorities by a Dutch citizen, who inherited it from a family member.

It is believed that all three items were stolen and smuggled out of Egypt after being illegally excavated. Unfortunately, details about when and how these artifacts were discovered and taken out of the country were not provided by Egyptian authorities.

This incident is part of Egypt's larger efforts to put a stop to the trafficking of stolen antiquities. In fact, since 2014, more than 30,000 artifacts have been recovered by the Egyptian government. Just last year, an ancient wooden sarcophagus that was displayed at a museum in Houston, USA, was also returned to Egypt after it was confirmed to have been smuggled out of the country.

In light of this recent discovery, many are reminded of the importance of preserving and protecting ancient artifacts and treasures. As a result, the Egyptian government has also launched a WhatsApp channel to keep the public updated on the latest news in breaking news, celebrity, and sports. This channel ensures that all information is shared without any comments or algorithms, and most importantly, with utmost privacy.

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