January 1st 2025.
On a warm Wednesday afternoon, the streets of Albany Park were filled with the sounds of music, dancing, and laughter as members of the Ecuadorian community came together to celebrate the feast of Nuestra Señora Virgen de la Nube, also known as the Virgin of the Cloud. This religious holiday holds a special significance for immigrants, serving as a cultural touchstone that allows them to share their faith and traditions with one another.
Originating in villages throughout Ecuador and Peru, the feast is an important event for those who have left their home country in search of a better life. It's a once-a-year opportunity to come together and honor their beloved Virgin Mary with traditional music, dancing, and food. And on this day, more than 1,400 people filled Our Lady of Mercy Church for Mass before taking part in a procession around the block, carrying a statue of Mary with them.
After the procession, the community gathered in the church basement for a feast of traditional rice, pork, and empanadas. The air was filled with the joyful sounds of music and dancing as parishioners celebrated their faith and cultural heritage. Reverend Thomas Byrne, the pastor of the church, explained the significance of this event, "These are all people who immigrated to a new country and brought their faith with them. This is much more than a cultural celebration."
While the recent influx of immigrants to Chicago has mainly consisted of those from Venezuela and Colombia, a growing number of asylum-seekers from Ecuador have joined the community. The church, in collaboration with Catholic Charities, is working to help these families find housing and get established in their new home. They also run a food pantry to assist those in need.
During the Christmas season, the parish commemorates the Biblical journey of Mary and Joseph in search of lodging, a story that holds special meaning for immigrants. Noe and Dora Torres, members of the parish, hold prayer meetings throughout the year and play a key role in organizing the feast. Their son, Carlos Torres, shared, "It's a beautiful tradition that brings our community together. My parents hold a special place in their hearts for this event."
One of the most beloved traditions of the feast is the Vaca Loca, or Crazy Cow, a mock bovine that dances and shoots off fireworks. However, for this indoor celebration, the fireworks were limited to sparklers. Women also dress in traditional attire, wearing brightly colored skirts and blouses, along with wool sweaters or serapes.
The feast is a commemoration of the belief that the Virgin Mary appeared in the clouds above the town of Azogues, Ecuador in 1696. It is said that the local bishop, who was ill, made a miraculous recovery after the appearance. The veneration of Mary has been carried on by nuns and Franciscan friars, and believers make annual pilgrimages to the site, similar to celebrations at other holy sites such as Fatima, Portugal and Guadalupe, Mexico. In December, a shrine in Des Plaines also honors the Virgin Mary.
For parishioner Lucy Arias, the feast is a time to come together and pray to their blessed mother, thanking her for her love and guidance. She explained, "It takes months of preparations and donations to make this event possible, but it's all worth it to honor our Virgin Mary." As the music and dancing continued into the night, the Ecuadorian community in Albany Park celebrated their faith, culture, and the bond that unites them all.
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