Early look at Super Mario Party Jamboree - fun multiplayer game for all ages.

GameCentral tries out the latest Mario Party game from Nintendo and appreciates its unique online features.

September 9th 2024.

Early look at Super Mario Party Jamboree - fun multiplayer game for all ages.
Hey there, fellow gamers! GameCentral recently had the chance to test out Nintendo's newest addition to the Mario Party franchise - Super Mario Party Jamboree. And we have to say, we were pleasantly surprised by the game's unique online modes.

We've always felt that Mario Party doesn't get the recognition it deserves as a classic multiplayer game. Sure, there have been some ups and downs in terms of quality, especially with the post-N64 entries, but ever since Super Mario Party on the Switch, the series has solidified itself as one of the best family-friendly games on the market.

In fact, we dare say it's one of the only franchises that can bring together people of all ages and levels of gaming experience. For those in the know, it has become the go-to game for family gatherings, replacing the age-old tradition of playing Monopoly on Christmas Day. And we have a feeling that the release date of this new entry, so close to the holiday season, is no coincidence.

One issue we had with the GameCube-era games was their reliance on gimmicks, which often took away from the core concept. However, Super Mario Party Jamboree does away with that and instead promises more boards, more mini-games, more characters, and more modes than any previous game. That said, some of the online options are definitely unusual, and we had the chance to try them all out in a recent hands-on preview.

The game offers a variety of game modes, each with a different length of playtime. However, the main concept behind Mario Party remains the same - a virtual board game where you move your characters around based on dice rolls. Your goal is to reach the space that contains a star, which can be purchased with coins collected from winning mini-games or random events on the board. The player with the most stars at the end of the set number of turns is declared the winner.

It may sound simple, but playing Mario Party on your own is a rather dull experience. However, with three other players, it's an absolute blast as you try to cheat and outsmart each other using power-ups that can steal coins or change your position on the board. And let's not forget the mini-games, which often include unfair matches or team/free-for-all games that require players to gang up on the current winner.

Super Mario Party Jamboree features seven boards, two of which are remakes from the original Mario Party games. The one we got to play on was a brand new board called Mega Wiggler's Tree Party, featuring a giant version of the familiar caterpillar creature sleeping in the center. You have to walk on its back to get anywhere, and you can even move it around to your advantage.

Although the board is crucial in providing structure to the game, Jamboree keeps things moving at a steady pace with power-ups and event spaces that don't slow down the gameplay. The game understands that the real excitement lies in the mini-games, of which there are a whopping 110 to choose from. Each mini-game has a clever and often punny name and simple controls, with many utilizing motion controls. For example, Hot Cross Blocks has you dropping Tetris-shaped tiles to cross a lava flow, while Sunset Standoff has one player firing a Bullet Bill at the other three players.

We were pleasantly surprised to find that there wasn't a single dull mini-game among the dozen or so we played. And what's more, they were all brand new, though some were similar to previous games or based on familiar Mario adventures. For instance, Lumber Tumble has you running along a log platform while avoiding Bowser's minions who are trying to destroy it.

Aside from the main party game, we also got to try out other modes, such as Daily Challenges, which group three mini-games together based on a theme. We're not sure if Nintendo picked these beforehand, but the three we played were all food-themed. Our favorite was Prime Cut, where we had to cut a steak perfectly in two while working together with another player. We have to admit, getting two perfect scores in a row felt pretty satisfying.

While the main party game can be played online, there are also two brand new online-only modes. One of them is the 20-player Koopathlon, which has everyone racing around town. The faster you complete the mini-games, the further you move on the board. This mode was enjoyable, but it may not be worth the effort of setting up a match. However, the other online mode, Bowser Kaboom Squad, caught our attention. It's essentially a variation of the other modes, but this time, you're running around a map trying to find bombs and charge a cannon to shoot at a giant Bowser who's out to squash you. It's a lot of fun, and there's just enough strategy involved to keep it from feeling too easy.

Overall, we had a great time with Super Mario Party Jamboree, and we're confident that we'll have just as much fun with the full game. It's not easy to create sequels for a franchise like this, where fans just want more of the same with a few new twists. However, this game seems to have found the perfect balance between introducing new elements while keeping the familiar ones that fans love.

In this day and age, local multiplayer games are hard to come by, but Super Mario Party Jamboree proves that there's something special about being able to cheat and taunt your friends and family in person. We can't wait for the game's release and we're sure it will be a hit at any family gathering. So mark your calendars for October 17th, 2024, and get ready for some Mario Party madness!

Super Mario Party Jamboree will be available on the Nintendo Switch for £49.99. It's suitable for all ages and is developed and published by Nintendo. And don't forget to join the conversation by emailing us, leaving a comment, following us on Twitter, and signing up for our newsletter. And for an easier way to submit Inbox letters and Reader's Features, check out our Submit Stuff page. Don't miss out on all the exclusive gaming content and latest releases by signing up for our newsletter.

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