Eamonn hopes to be walking independently soon, after having difficulty with a cane at the Tric Awards.

He gave an update to his followers.

July 1st 2023.

Eamonn hopes to be walking independently soon, after having difficulty with a cane at the Tric Awards.
Eamonn Holmes has given an update on his health, saying he hopes to soon be walking unaided again. The 63-year-old broadcaster has been on a break from GB News since he fell down the stairs and fractured his shoulder last year.

He wrote on Twitter, "Saturdays... I used to love them. They used to mean Football. Now they mean Gym. Heavy Rehabilitation scheduled every Saturday in particular to strengthen my legs and back to hopefully get me walking unaided again... but I just don't like it. Wish me well."

The post was flooded with well-wishes from fans, many of whom said, "Good luck".

Eamonn recently attended the Tric Awards, where he was using a cane for support. His GB News team was awarded the Multichannel News Programme award, and while waiting for Eamonn and co-host Isabel Webster to come up on stage, presenter Stephen Dixon said, "Eamonn as we know, is struggling a bit but he will have something to say in a moment."

Eamonn apologized for the delay and said, "Sorry that took a while... discs in my back, so you don't have to ask. Look after your backs guys! It's a bit like real life work, Stephen's always there before me, it's the way that things are."

He received an outpouring of love and support from his fans, and we're all wishing Eamonn the very best in his recovery journey. Here's to him walking unaided in no time!

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