Driver kills man after fight and bragged about serving justice on the streets.

Hiding from the police and constantly changing cars is a nightmare when seeking street justice.

July 30th 2024.

Driver kills man after fight and bragged about serving justice on the streets.
Jake McIntyre, a 28-year-old driver, has been sentenced to 14 years in prison for the manslaughter of 39-year-old Andrew Peart. The incident occurred on August 22 of last year when McIntyre hit Peart over the head with a metal tyre lever and left him lying on the ground. Peart, who had been heading to the Co-op in Guidepost, Northumberland, had allegedly stepped out in front of McIntyre's car, leading to a heated exchange between the two men.

In a disturbing video recorded while driving his BMW, McIntyre can be heard boasting about the attack and his subsequent escape from the police. He says, "Do you know what's a f***ing nightmare? Is f***ing hiding from the f***ing police and having to change me f***ing car again for giving someone street justice." McIntyre was on the run for a few days before being arrested in the Lake District.

During the trial, McIntyre was cleared of the charge of murder but found guilty of manslaughter. The court heard that Peart initially got up and carried on with his day after the attack, but his condition worsened and he was later found to have suffered a fractured skull and bleed on the brain. He sadly passed away on August 30.

According to the judge, Peart was intoxicated at the time of the incident and was shouting and challenging McIntyre to a fight. The situation escalated when McIntyre returned to the scene, armed with a tyre lever, and delivered a fatal blow to Peart's head. Despite Peart's attempts to apologize and walk away, McIntyre continued to physically assault him in front of witnesses.

After the attack, McIntyre fled to the Lake District with his girlfriend and was later arrested at a hotel. In court, Peart's family members expressed their grief and anger towards McIntyre, with his sister stating that he had "robbed us of a future with [Peart]." Peart's mother described the family's experience as "living a nightmare" and expressed their hope that Peart did not suffer too much before passing away.

McIntyre's defense lawyer argued that the attack was out of character for his client and that he was remorseful for his actions. He also highlighted McIntyre's lack of previous violent offenses and described him as a family man. However, the judge described the attack as "vicious and cowardly" and handed down a 14-year prison sentence.

Overall, the incident was a tragic and senseless act of violence that resulted in the loss of a life. The impact on Peart's family and friends is immeasurable, and McIntyre's actions have been rightfully condemned by the court.

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