Draymond Green has proposed that instead of limiting Black history to one month, it should be taught all year.

Draymond believes that the importance of Black History should be recognized throughout the year, not just during a specific month.

March 2nd 2023.

Draymond Green has proposed that instead of limiting Black history to one month, it should be taught all year.
NBA champion Draymond Green is advocating for the abolition of Black History Month, saying it should be celebrated every day instead of just the shortest month of the year. At a post-game press conference, Green was wearing a blue shirt that read “BUILT BY BLACK HISTORY," which prompted his impassioned speech about the issue and criticism of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis who is attempting to have Black history removed from schools and libraries.

"We've got governors who want to take our history out of schools, and I'm not going to be the fool to say, 'Yeah, we can celebrate it for 28 days,'" Green said. "So at some point, I'd like to get rid of it."

He then went on to reference the recent controversy surrounding Kyrie Irving being accused of antisemitism after promoting the “Hebrews to Negroes” documentary on social media.

"You've got governors wanting to take our history out of schools…teach my history from January 1st to December 31st and then do it over again," Green declared. "We're making all these changes in the world – can't talk about these people. Can't talk about those people. Can't say this. Can't say that."

The four-time NBA champion firmly believes that Black History should be honored day-in and day-out, and not just for 28 days, which is why he is calling for an end to Black History Month and the start of what sounds like Black History Year.

"At some point, it's time to get rid of Black History Month," Green stated. "Not get rid of Black history, like they're trying to do. But Black History Month? Nah,

teach my history from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31, and then do it again. And then again. And then again. And then again. That's what I'd like to see."

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