We are only a couple of weeks into the Trump 2.0 administration and I can already feel the palpable improvement — meaning increase — in governing energy emanating from what was essentially a morgue during the Biden administration.
Honestly, I cannot recall the Biden admin, but I turn 74 tomorrow, so that could just be on me. I used to watch Joe Biden walk to/from Marine One and see that Old Man Gait that had that Nascar “pile-up-at-the-turn” quality to it.
When everybody recognized how feeble Joe Biden looked walking to Marine One, the White House assigned people to walk with him so his fragility was not on as direct display thereby validating the concern for the thinking world. Yikes!
Yes, dear reader, Dragon Energy indeed.
This Trump 2.0 chap is up early for things like the recent Prayer Breakfast and he appears to work seven days a week.
He travels hard — recent trip to Western North Carolina, California disaster areas — and gets stuff done when he is there such as turning the US Army Corps of Engineers loose to fix every road and bridge in Western North Carolina after 4 months of neglect from his predecessor.
The 2.0 Trump takes and answers questions — everywhere, like when signing Executive Orders and explaining them to the folks.
2.0 Trump takes questions in more formal settings and chats with the press when there are visitors to the Oval Office, like the Prime Minister of Israel, Bibi Netanyahu. [Interesting note about Trump and Bibi — Trump doesn’t trust Bibi.]
The 2.0 is unafraid to think out loud as he did with the discussion as to the long term fate of Gaza and the Palestinians. This will get him in a lot of faux trouble, but, apparently, 2.0 does not give a single fuck about that sort of thing.
President Trump is unafraid to make fierce, seemingly outlandish, immediate demands like putting massive tariffs on Mexico, Canada, and, to a lesser extent, China, as it pertains to a serious topic like fentanyl — largest killer of US youth.
There are more, but the last example I will cite is the bloodthirsty and decisive manner he has attacked the structure of government and staffing meaning specifically the Night of the Long Knives for the DOJ/FBI and the activities of the Department of Government Efficiency.
All of the above require massive amounts of energy, hence, the term Dragon Energy.
OK, dear reader, Trump 2.0 is leading the country forcefully. You can see, smell, taste, and touch it.
The Old Boy initially is cleverly picking subjects that are difficult for the Dems/lefties to oppose: deporting criminals (murderers, rapists, kidnappers, assaulters), exposing massive government corruption, exposing incredible government waste and corrupt diversion of funds, and things like men in womens’ sports.
These are things that suck the Dems/leftists and the leftist media into taking a position in opposition to a gigantic slice of the American electorate — typically as much as 80%.
Call it what you may, but this 80/20 split is brilliant politics and cunning as Hell. Best thing is the opposition looks so bloody dumb opposing it.
But, hey, what the Hell do I really know anyway? I’m just a Big Red Car.
Dragon Energy is here to stay.