Don't settle for mediocrity, push yourself to reach your full potential and achieve success.

Many struggle to achieve their dreams and just when they think they're close, they hit a roadblock.

March 5th 2024.

Don't settle for mediocrity, push yourself to reach your full potential and achieve success.
Published originally on March 22, 2016, this article delves into the concept of being "almost" successful in various aspects of life. It's a feeling that many of us can relate to - working towards a goal, making progress, and then suddenly hitting a roadblock that halts our progress. It can be frustrating and demotivating, leaving us wondering why this keeps happening.

So why does it keep happening? There could be a multitude of reasons, but here are two common ones and some tips on how to overcome them.

One major factor is fear and uncertainty. When we're making progress towards a goal, we often encounter new challenges and unfamiliar territory. This can bring up a lot of questions and doubts about what to do next. We may even start to fear the unknown and all the potential negative outcomes. This fear can paralyze us and prevent us from moving forward.

But here's the thing - fear is not real. It's a product of our minds, conjuring up worst-case scenarios that are usually unrealistic. Instead of focusing on the negative, try shifting your focus to the outcome of success and what steps you need to take to get there. And don't wait for all the answers to magically appear - take action and seek out resources and advice from others who have experience in your area of focus. You'll likely find that you're not alone in your questions and concerns.

Another common reason for falling short of our goals is self-sabotage. Have you ever found yourself making excuses or coming up with reasons why you couldn't meet a deadline or follow through on a task? This is self-sabotage, and it's often driven by fear - specifically, the fear of success. We may be making progress towards our goals, but the idea of taking on more responsibility and commitment can be intimidating.

The solution? Keep moving forward. Don't let fear hold you back and continue to take consistent action towards your goals. Celebrate the small wins along the way, and don't worry about potential future success. Instead, start thinking about how you can delegate tasks or find resources to help you manage a potential influx of work. Sites like can be a great resource for finding assistance without breaking the bank.

Lastly, it's important to be comfortable with growth. It's a natural part of the process if you're doing things right. Embrace success and all the challenges and opportunities that come with it. Enjoy the ride and trust in your ability to handle whatever comes your way.

In conclusion, it's easy to get caught up in the cycle of "almost" achieving our goals. But by acknowledging and overcoming our fears and avoiding self-sabotage, we can break free from this cycle and achieve true success. So don't be afraid to take risks, seek help when needed, and embrace growth. As Spike Lee's HBCU program partners with Ralph Lauren to dress students for success, let's all strive to reach our full potential and find true success in our personal and professional lives.

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