Don't say this to your hairstylist - it's the one thing they don't want to hear.

Be careful of your words, they have control over your thoughts.

August 31st 2024.

Don't say this to your hairstylist - it's the one thing they don't want to hear.
Your hair is in the hands of your hairdresser, and it's a relationship that can be complex. Some people have a strong attachment to one stylist who knows exactly how to achieve their desired look, while others prefer to mix things up and try different options with each visit. However, if you want to establish a regular connection with a particular hairdresser, it's important to avoid annoying them. After all, they are responsible for your head and you definitely don't want to leave the salon with a crooked cut or an unintentional resemblance to a pencil, as seen in the show Fleabag.

One experienced hairdresser, who goes by the name The Mobile Hairdressing Guru, recently shared a tip on TikTok for customers to keep in mind if they want to stay in their hairdresser's good graces. She revealed the one thing that really grates on her as a stylist: when clients say "my old hairdresser used to do my hair like this." This type of comment can actually be counterproductive, as your current stylist may not understand exactly what you mean or have a different skillset to offer. When a client sits in her chair and says this, the hairdresser's initial thought is often one of frustration, thinking "I'm not your old hairdresser."

Effective communication is key in any relationship, and the same goes for the hairdresser-client dynamic. Many others in the comments section of the TikTok video agreed with her, including one user who said, "For many people, it's scary going to a new hairdresser but I wish they would have faith in you." Instead of comparing your current stylist to your old one, the hairdresser recommended different ways to communicate your desired look without offending or upsetting them. For example, instead of telling them how your old stylist used to do your hair, you could show them a few images of the look you are hoping to achieve and ask if it would work with your hair type and texture.

The content creator also had some advice for hairdressers themselves, reminding them not to get annoyed by these types of comments and to respond with reassurance. She suggested saying something like, "I appreciate you may be nervous about having your hair done by another hairdresser, but you are in safe hands." After all, it's important to calm your client's nerves and make them feel comfortable. The hairdresser also acknowledged that sometimes, what the client wants and what the stylist can offer may not align. In these situations, it's best to do your best to achieve the desired outcome and politely explain that you may not be the best fit for each other.

Other hairdressers also shared their thoughts and experiences on the topic. One said they would ask the client what they liked about their old stylist's technique, while another said they would try to achieve the look the client wants, even if it differs from their personal approach. At the end of the day, it's all about communication and finding the right match between hairdresser and client. Do you have a similar experience or story to share? Let us know by emailing us.

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