Dog's possible cancer diagnosis turns out to be a 12cm kebab skewer lodged in ribs.

The veterinarian was amazed that he was still alive.

July 28th 2024.

Dog's possible cancer diagnosis turns out to be a 12cm kebab skewer lodged in ribs.
The Gellatly family was shocked when they discovered a large lump on their beloved seven-year-old whippet, Stanley. At first, they feared the worst and thought it could be cancer. But after a trip to the vet, they were relieved to hear that it was just an old injury causing a welt underneath his skin. However, their relief was short-lived as the lump continued to grow, this time on the other side of Stanley's body. It was also moving, which was a cause for concern.

One night, while watching TV, the Gellatlys noticed something strange. Stanley was chewing on a bald spot on the lump and when they tried to stop him, they saw that he had created a large hole, almost down to his skeleton. They couldn't believe it and immediately took him to the vet. It was then that they made a shocking discovery - the lump was caused by a 12cm kebab skewer that Stanley had ingested almost two months prior.

It all made sense now. The skewer had been thrown out after a BBQ where the Gellatlys had overcooked some kebabs. They had thought they were being careful, but a mischievous cat had ripped open the bin bag and Stanley, being the food-loving dog he is, couldn't resist. The couple couldn't believe that the skewer had caused no damage to Stanley's organs and that he was still alive.

After a successful surgery to remove the skewer, Stanley's mood was immediately brighter. He was back to his usual tail-waving self, much to the relief of his owners. They were grateful to the vet who not only did an amazing job, but also didn't charge them any extra costs. The wound from the surgery healed quickly and Stanley was back to his old self in no time.

Looking back, the Gellatlys couldn't believe the ordeal they had been through. They had thought their dog had cancer, only to discover it was something much more bizarre. They were just grateful that their beloved Stanley had made a full recovery and was back to his lively self. As for the skewer, it was definitely thrown in the trash this time and the Gellatlys have learned their lesson to be more careful with their food scraps.

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