Divorcing a second time in my 30s was the wake-up call I needed.

I had to prioritize my own well-being and recovery.

May 26th 2024.

Divorcing a second time in my 30s was the wake-up call I needed.
Leah's journey through marriage and divorce was not an easy one. By the time she was 35, she had already been through two divorces. The second one, in 2019, left her devastated and feeling like she was "damaged goods." She struggled with feelings of failure and self-doubt, but eventually came to realize that divorce does not define a person's worth.

Leah understands that there are many misconceptions surrounding divorce, one of the biggest being that it means a person is selfish or a failure. But she knows this couldn't be further from the truth. She believes that a person's happiness is their own responsibility, and if a marriage is negatively impacting their well-being, they have the right to take action.

And that's exactly what Leah did. Her second divorce served as a wake-up call, prompting her to focus on herself and work on healing. Now at the age of 41, she uses her experiences to help other women who are going through the same struggles.

As Leah reflected on her past, she realized that her traumatic experiences, such as losing her mother at 16 and her father at 21, had led her to seek comfort in relationships. She found herself in an abusive relationship and struggled with feelings of abandonment and low self-esteem. After her first marriage ended, she quickly jumped into a new relationship as a way to distract herself from her emotions.

But after her second divorce, Leah knew she needed to take a step back and focus on her own healing. She started practicing mindfulness, meditation, and journaling, which helped her gain self-awareness and understand why she had settled for unhealthy relationships in the past. She also learned to love and forgive herself, something she had never done before.

This newfound self-awareness and self-love led Leah to discover her true calling. During the pandemic, while working from home, she learned about life coaching and realized it was her passion. She got certified and started her own coaching business, with a focus on helping women through the divorce recovery process. She wanted to share the tools she had learned and the mistakes she had made to help others find their way to the light at the end of the tunnel.

One question Leah often gets asked is how long someone should wait before dating again after a divorce. She believes there is no set formula, but it's important for a person to understand their intentions. If they are dating out of loneliness, boredom, or a need for validation, it may not lead to a healthy relationship. But if they are truly happy and fulfilled on their own and are looking for someone who adds value to their life, then they may be ready to date again.

Leah's own journey has been a testament to this. After taking the time to focus on herself and heal, she found love again and got married in June 2021. She believes that when a person knows their worth and loves themselves, they will attract healthier partners and have higher standards and stronger deal breakers.

Leah's story is an inspiration to many, and she hopes to continue helping others who are going through similar experiences. She wants to remind everyone that it's never too late to start over and find true happiness.

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