Disney films have 7 sex scenes and dirty jokes that you definitely didn't make up in your head.

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May 24th 2024.

Disney films have 7 sex scenes and dirty jokes that you definitely didn't make up in your head.
Get ready to have your beloved movies completely changed. Yes, you read that correctly and we apologize in advance for potentially ruining your childhood memories. It's no secret that sex sells, and it seems even Disney's animated classics are not exempt from steamy scenes and suggestive references. Your favorite princes, princesses, and even anthropomorphic animals were not as innocent as we once thought. Disney animators seemed to have a knack for slipping in dirty jokes and references whenever possible, with no regard for subtlety.

While many of these references have been debunked, there are some instances where Disney films have undeniably crossed the line from PG to X-rated. Here are seven moments where Disney films took a risqué turn.

Let's start with the classic film Bambi. Most of us remember the heartbreaking scene where Bambi's mother is shot, but what about the steamy scene between Thumper and Miss Bunny? Yes, it's true. These two rabbits go at it like, well, rabbits. It's implied through their blissful expressions and Miss Bunny's hair stroking that they're doing more than just hopping around.

Moving on to the popular film Frozen, which has captured the hearts of children all over the world. Amidst the wholesome plot and catchy songs, there is a dirty joke that often goes unnoticed. During a conversation between Anna and her love interest Kristoff, Anna makes a sly joke about shoe size not mattering. We'll let you figure out what she's really referring to.

Next up is the beloved film Robin Hood. Maid Marian is quite literally a fox in this film, so it's no surprise that Robin can't keep his hands off her. And let's not forget that he's pretty foxy himself. Their romantic stroll through Sherwood Forest is so informative, it could be used in sex education classes. The song that plays during their walk, appropriately titled "Love," has some interesting lyrics that allude to their physical relationship.

Now, let's talk about Aladdin. This film is full of hidden adult jokes, one of which is not so hidden. When the Genie jokes about the earth not moving until the honeymoon, it's pretty clear what he's referring to. And then there's the scene where Aladdin is surrounded by beautiful women who are flirtatiously stroking him with ribbons. They even get angry when he can't pay for their "services."

We can't forget about Cars 2, which has a more niche reference to adult content. In one scene, a group of old-timey vehicles are partying while surrounded by lemons. This may seem strange, but it's actually a nod to the shock website "Lemon Party," which features a graphic image of three elderly men having sex. There's also a scene in the first Cars film where Lightning McQueen gets flashed by his groupies and there are signs for motor strip clubs in the background. These cars need to cool their engines.

Moving on to Ratatouille, where we not only have a naked rat as the main character, but also an explicit painting of a woman in one scene. The painter is surrounded by other nude pictures, but he assures us they are all very tasteful. And finally, we have The Rescuers, which is notorious for featuring a pair of boobs in the background of one scene. Disney eventually recalled this film and removed the inappropriate image, but it's forever burned in the minds of those who saw it.

All of these films are now available to stream on Disney Plus. If you have any stories, videos, or pictures to share about these Disney films or any other celebrity news, please reach out to our entertainment team by emailing us or visiting our Submit Stuff page. We'd love to hear from you.

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