Discussing the upcoming PlayStation showcase, reactions to Hellblade 2, and the decision to purchase Call of Duty.

Will the upcoming Resident Evil remakes see any major changes? A reader shares their enjoyment of XDefiant on the Wednesday letters page.

May 29th 2024.

Discussing the upcoming PlayStation showcase, reactions to Hellblade 2, and the decision to purchase Call of Duty.
Is there still hope for a PlayStation showcase or State of Play this week? It's already Tuesday afternoon and there's been no word yet. Will it still happen? Or should we just accept that it won't and move on? It's unlikely they would announce it on a Friday night, so the only chance now is for it to be announced today and take place on Thursday. But let's be realistic, that's probably not going to happen.

Some people got their hopes up after the Corporate Strategy Meeting the other day, thinking it was the showcase, but in reality, there are no plans for one. We probably should've expected this as Sony has already stated that they don't have any major game releases until next year.

To be honest, it's all quite disheartening. Sony seems to be winding down, just counting down the days until they retire. I can't understand why they're acting this way, but it's hard to believe they'll suddenly come back to life and things will go back to how they were. It seems like nothing is the new norm.

On a brighter note, it's interesting to see VGC and IGN agreeing on the next Resident Evil remakes being Zero and Code: Veronica. It's rare to see such a consensus in the gaming world. Personally, I'm excited for Code: Veronica but not so much for Zero. Like another reader pointed out yesterday, I can't help but wonder how much Capcom will change in terms of both gameplay and story. We saw with the Resident Evil 3 remake that it was quite different from the original. I have a feeling it'll be the same for these two.

I mean, Code: Veronica has a section in the middle that's basically a remake of the first game in the series. I highly doubt they'll keep that in, especially since it seemed a bit odd even at the time it was released. It was like a tech demo of sorts.

I hope these remakes get announced next month, as I'm always up for some Resident Evil action.

Speaking of games, it seems like everyone has already stopped talking about Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2, even though it's only been out for a few days. I know it's a short game, but I would've thought people would have more to say about the graphics at least. But then again, I don't think graphics are as important as they used to be. People love to argue about numbers and watch Digital Foundry, but I think we've reached a point where graphics are good enough for most people. It's not the main selling point anymore.

The problem with Hellblade 2 is that there's not much else to draw people in, even with it being on Game Pass. It doesn't seem to have made much of an impact on Steam and it'll probably only get technical awards when it comes to game of the year. If I were Ninja Theory, I wouldn't even bother with a third installment.

Now onto a hot topic - Call of Duty on Game Pass. I don't understand why there's even a debate about it. If Game Pass was a huge success and Xbox was outselling PlayStation, then it would make sense. But that's not the case. Most console players will either pay the full price and get it on PlayStation or Microsoft will lose out on those sales but gain more Xbox sales and Game Pass subscribers. It's a win-win for them.

Of course, not everyone plays on consoles. PC players, for example, are loyal to their Steam accounts and it's hard to tempt them away. The only comparison we have is Starfield, a game that received mixed reviews and was also on Game Pass. But even that managed to make it into Steam's top 12 selling games in 2023. So, it's safe to say that Game Pass is not a threat to Steam.

I have to give Activision credit though, they're still managing to sell Call of Duty games despite the popularity of Warzone. Personally, I haven't bought one in years and I don't know who would. Most of my friends just play Warzone and I can't imagine there are many people who are invested in the story campaign enough to pay full price for it.

But someone must be buying it, as even Modern Warfare 3 was a huge hit. I guess it's just become a yearly ritual for some people - like buying a box of Quality Street at Christmas. Some things you just can't give up.

Moving on to something related to horror games - the Silent Hill Transmission event. I have a perplexing question - why would they choose to broadcast it at midnight? Who thought it was a brilliant idea to have it at such a late time when most people will be asleep for work or school? It's not the best time slot to reach a wider audience.

If there was a PlayStation Showcase, would they also choose midnight as the time slot? It doesn't make sense. Most people would be unable to stay awake until midnight without risking being late for work the next day. Even Microsoft wouldn't make such a decision.

As for the event itself, I'm not expecting much aside from the Silent Hill 2 remake. I have a feeling it might be a bit disappointing. I'm not interested in the upcoming film and I can't muster up any excitement for Townfall. Silent Hill f, on the other hand, looks intriguing. But I still don't know much about it - the gameplay, the story, and what it has in store for fans. I guess we'll find out at the event, but I'm not getting my hopes up.

In the end, it's great that Konami has announced something, but it would've been better if they chose an earlier time slot. That's all I'm saying.
Is there still hope for the gaming industry? This week, readers on the Wednesday letters page have been discussing potential changes to the next Resident Evil remakes and sharing their thoughts on XDefiant. If you want to join in on the discussions, email us your comments at the given email address.

As we approach the end of the week, many are wondering if Sony will still surprise us with a PlayStation showcase or State of Play announcement. Will it happen on Friday, or is today our final chance for an announcement to be made for a Thursday event? Some speculate that it may not happen at all, while others hold onto a glimmer of hope.

The recent Corporate Strategy Meeting had many believing it was the long-awaited showcase, but it turns out that it was just a regular meeting with no plans for any major game releases until next year. This news has left many feeling disappointed and even a bit down about Sony's current state in the industry. Some readers have even compared it to someone winding down their last few weeks at work before retirement.

On the topic of Resident Evil, there seems to be a general consensus among VGC and IGN that the next remakes will be Zero and Code: Veronica. While some are excited about the possibility of revisiting Code: Veronica, others have no interest in Zero. However, many are wondering how much the games will be changed from their originals, especially since Resident Evil 3's remake was vastly different from the original. Will Code: Veronica's infamous mansion section be kept in the remake, or will it be left out this time around?

Moving on to other games, it seems that the hype for Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 has already died down, despite only being released a few days ago. Some speculate that the short playtime may have something to do with it, but others believe that graphics just don't hold the same importance for gamers anymore. This could pose a problem for Hellblade 2, as it may not be enough to draw players in, even with its availability on Game Pass.

There has been some debate over the recent news of Call of Duty coming to Game Pass, with some wondering if it will be the last attempt to save game subscriptions. Others have pointed out that the game's release timing may not be the best, as it may not attract many players who are already invested in the franchise's free-to-play version, Warzone.

And finally, some readers are perplexed by the recent announcement of a Silent Hill Transmission event, scheduled for midnight. Many feel that this timing is not ideal, as most people will either be asleep or unable to stay up late due to work or school. While some are excited for the event, others are already anticipating disappointment and have little interest in the upcoming film or Townfall. However, there is some curiosity surrounding Silent Hill f, but not much is known about the game yet. Only time will tell what surprises await us at the event.

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