Discussing the latest gaming news, including the release of a new Sony PSP, the anniversary of Wolfenstein: The New Order, and potential marketing for the Switch 2.

Letters page compares Asus ROG Ally and Steam Deck OLED while reader anticipates Horizon Chase 2 on PS5 and Xbox.

May 20th 2024.

Discussing the latest gaming news, including the release of a new Sony PSP, the anniversary of Wolfenstein: The New Order, and potential marketing for the Switch 2.
There has been a lot of negative news in the gaming world lately, but amidst it all, I can't help but feel excited about the rumors of a new portable console from PlayStation. As a reader on the Monday letters page, I was particularly interested in the comparison between the Asus ROG Ally and the Steam Deck OLED. But what really caught my attention was the mention of the possibility of Horizon Chase 2 on PS5 and Xbox. I couldn't help but wonder, should PlayStation really make a new portable console?

If they do decide to release a new portable console, what would I personally want from it? Well, first and foremost, I love the design of the PlayStation Portal, so something similar looking to that would be perfect for me. In terms of power, it would be amazing if it could run PlayStation 4 games. And while we're at it, why not have slots on the console to play all existing PSP and PS Vita games? It would also be great to have the option of connecting it to the PlayStation 5 for some big screen gaming.

Of course, all of this is just speculation until Sony officially reveals details of the new console at their next PlayStation Showcase. But if the rumors are true and it can do all of these things, I am definitely on board and will be a day one purchase, as long as it is reasonably priced. Speaking of anniversaries, can you believe it's been 10 years since the release of Wolfenstein: The New Order?

MachineGames did an incredible job modernizing the franchise for the new generation with its story-based single-player first person shooter and gripping gameplay. It even holds its own against other iconic story-based first person shooters like Half-Life 2. And let's not forget the sequel, was it really better than the original? It's a tough call, but one thing is for sure, we're all hoping for a third installment to complete the trilogy.

Moving on to a different topic, the success of the Nintendo Switch can also be attributed to its massive marketing campaign. As long as Nintendo doesn't overlook this aspect for their next console, it is sure to do well. The best-selling consoles tend to cross over into popular culture and become a must-have gadget, and the Switch is a perfect example of that. Just look at how many people bought it for Fortnite and Mario Kart.

But when it comes to the leaked Valve game, I can't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. It looks extremely generic and sadly, that seems to be the trend for online shooters nowadays. The fear of scaring off potential players with originality or new ideas has resulted in a lot of samey-looking games. And unfortunately, it seems like this trend will continue with a dozen Ubisoft games and even Sony's attempts at spin-offs of their big franchises.

But as they say, you never know until you try. And that's exactly what I'll be doing with my new game, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. I may regret it, I may fail miserably, but I won't know until I give it a shot. And even if I do fail, I know I'll become a better gamer for it.

Lastly, I wanted to share a personal experience I've been having with my Xbox Series X controller. For the past few months, it hasn't been turning on my console when I hold down the Xbox button. I've resorted to getting up and holding down the power button on the console, which eventually turns it on after a few minutes of waiting. It's a bit of a hassle, but for now, it's my temporary solution.
The question on everyone's mind is whether or not PlayStation should release a new portable console. On the Monday letters page, the Asus ROG Ally goes head to head against the Steam Deck OLED, while one reader eagerly anticipates the release of Horizon Chase 2 on both PS5 and Xbox. If you want to join in on the discussion, don't hesitate to email us your thoughts and opinions.

Amidst all the negative gaming news lately, I have to admit that I am excited about the rumors of a potential new PSP. So, what would I like to see from this new console? Well, I really like the design of the PlayStation Portal, so a similar look would be great. In terms of power, it would be impressive if it could run PlayStation 4 games. And if it also had slots to play existing PSP and PS Vita games, that would be a huge bonus. Maybe it could even connect to the PlayStation 5 for a larger screen experience. If all of this turns out to be true, then count me in for a day one purchase, as long as the price is reasonable. Let's hope Sony reveals more details about it at their next PlayStation Showcase.

In other news, can you believe it's been 10 years since the release of Wolfenstein: The New Order? MachineGames truly wowed us all with their modern take on the franchise, delivering a gripping single-player first person shooter with an engaging storyline. It definitely holds its own against other story-based FPS greats like Half-Life 2. I have to ask though, was it better than the sequel? Looking back, it's hard to say. The flaws were less noticeable, but it's uncertain if it was truly better. I hope they can finish the trilogy someday, but it's not looking very likely.

Moving on to the topic of marketing, I believe the Switch's success can be partly attributed to its massive marketing campaign. As long as Nintendo doesn't overlook this aspect for their next console, I think it will continue to do well. The best-selling consoles tend to become must-have gadgets that cross over into popular culture. Many people own a Switch because it was the "in" thing, using it to play games like Fortnite, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros. That part of the market may not be swayed by a new Zelda or Metroid game, or even PlayStation 4 level power in a handheld. But if they see popular figures like Ant and Dec playing Fortnite on the Switch 2, you can bet it will fly off the shelves.

Speaking of games, I have to agree with the reader who mentioned the leaked Valve game looking generic. And unfortunately, that seems to be the trend for online shooters these days. Publishers are more focused on creating live service games that lack any unique personality or originality. We'll likely see a dozen Ubisoft games with a similar look in the future, as well as other publishers trying to keep up with the current trends. Maybe Sony can make their games stand out by making them spin-offs of their popular franchises, but from what we've seen so far, they don't look much better. It's a bit disheartening to think that the future of gaming may all start to look the same.

But let's not lose all hope just yet. As the saying goes, you never know until you try. Take me, for example. I may regret it, but I'm determined to take on the challenges of Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Sure, I may fail miserably and give up before I even get the hang of the combat. Maybe I'll be too scared to face certain bosses. Or perhaps the cursed Dragonrot will break my sanity and reduce me to tears. But if I persevere and push through the difficulties, I know I'll come out a better gamer for it. It's definitely worth a shot!

And finally, on a more personal note, I've been experiencing some issues with my Xbox controller not turning on my Series X. I've had to resort to manually turning on the console by pressing the power button, but even then, it takes a few minutes to actually start up. I hope I can find a solution to this problem soon.

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