Discover what the upcoming week holds with your tarot horoscope reading for July 29 to August 4.

Prepare for the upcoming week.

July 28th 2024.

Discover what the upcoming week holds with your tarot horoscope reading for July 29 to August 4.
As we approach the start of a new week, we also prepare for the turn of the page to August. This month brings us the peak of summer and a powerful New Moon in the fiery sign of Leo. It's a time of fresh starts, second chances, and creative solutions to long-standing problems. Trust that everything that has happened up until this point has a purpose and let yourself embrace the possibilities that lie ahead.

Now is the time to try again and take advantage of this powerful energy. Be proactive, bold, and optimistic. With this combination of forces, you have the ability to move mountains in your own life. Let the tarot guide you and reveal what you need to turn a new leaf this week.

For Aries, the Knight of Wands is here to awaken your inner fire and drive. This week, you may find yourself drawn towards travel, education, or a new creative project. Whatever it may be, it's something that ignites your passion and excitement. Don't hesitate to take the leap and make it happen. This is your time to fulfill a long-held dream.

Taurus, the Knight of Swords urges you to take a steadfast approach this week. Don't back down or take no for an answer. You have the strength and determination to make things happen and push towards your goals. Stand firm and be confident in your abilities. Remember, the rewards will be worth it.

Gemini, the Hanged Man appears to remind you that if at first you don't succeed, try again. But don't use the same approach or mindset. It's time to think outside of the box and gain a new perspective. Step back and reflect before moving forward. Only then will you see the obvious paths that will lead you towards success.

Cancer, the King of Swords encourages you to put your feelings aside and let rational thinking guide you this week. Make plans for the future and set your foundations for success. It's time to use your head over your heart and make the most of what you have.

Leo, this is your time to shine! With the Two of Coins, you have the opportunity to have it all. Say yes to new adventures, opportunities, and experiences. The more you put yourself out there, the more you will receive in return. Soak up this New Moon energy and make the most of it.

Virgo, the Nine of Cups brings you a powerful message this week - you get what you give. So make sure you're radiating positivity, growth, and abundance. Manifest your desires and take tangible steps towards them. Trust that the universe will align with your intentions and bring you everything you wish for.

As we enter a new week, let's embrace the energy of new beginnings and trust that everything happens for a reason. With the guidance of the tarot, we can make the most of this time and create a week filled with growth, success, and happiness.
As we enter a new week, we also enter a new month - August, the heart of summer. And what better way to kick off this week than with a New Moon in Leo? This is a powerful time for new beginnings, second chances, and fresh perspectives on old problems. Remember, everything happens for a reason and let's trust that things will come to fruition in due time.

It's a week to be proactive, creative, and bold. The combination of energy during this time can move mountains in your life. So don't be afraid to try again or take a leap of faith. Let the tarot guide you on what you need to turn a new leaf this week.

Aries, this is your time to shine. The Knight of Wands lights a fire within you, urging you to pursue your dreams and goals related to travel, education, creativity, or a new lifestyle habit. Embrace this excitement and adventure, and don't let work or duty hold you back. Take the bold leap and make it happen - no regrets.

Taurus, a steadfast approach is needed this week. The Knight of Swords encourages you to push your claim, demand what you deserve, and make progress. Don't back down or take no for an answer. Stand firm and others will have to adjust to your position. Your strength and determination will pay off in the end.

Gemini, if you're feeling stuck or hitting roadblocks, take a step back and reflect. The Hanged Man reminds you to try a new approach or way of thinking. Don't keep walking down the same path and expecting different results. Think outside the box and you'll find new opportunities and solutions.

Cancer, this week, it's important to let your head, not your heart, take charge. The King of Swords guides you to make plans for the future with logic and rational reasoning. Lay a strong foundation now for the autumn ahead. This is how you can make the best of what you have.

Leo, it's your season and the New Moon in your sign is a time for abundance and joy. The Two of Coins brings a 'you can have it all' energy, giving you the resources and opportunities to reap great fortune. Say yes to everything and everyone, and watch as more and more comes your way.

Virgo, it's time to make a wish and manifest your heart's desire. The Nine of Cups is here to remind you that your thoughts and intentions have power. So get clear on what you want, believe in it, and take steps towards it. The universe will align with your energy and bring your goals to you.

Let's make the most of this week and trust that the universe has our backs. Head here for more insights on your zodiac sign and what the stars have in store for you.

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