Deidre Mathis encourages Black women to take time to explore and have fun on their adventures without fear.

Black women should take advantage of travel opportunities to explore the world.

October 28th 2023.

Deidre Mathis encourages Black women to take time to explore and have fun on their adventures without fear.
Deidre Mathis, a black travel expert and world traveler, is passionate about encouraging black women to take the leap and travel. Mathis has traveled to 48 countries, 19 of those being solo trips.

“Catching a flight and going to a new country, eating new food, hearing new languages, and meeting new people--these are all things that Black women deserve,” she told Fox 26. “They deserve a break, rest, and fun.”

Mathis believes the benefits of traveling and experiencing different cultures are invaluable and that black women should not be held back by fear. She has never felt unwelcome during her travels, and instead is often welcomed warmly. “People love to see people who look different from them abroad. They get to learn from you,” she said.

To get over fear of traveling, Mathis recommends starting off small. Closer destinations like Puerto Rico or Hawaii are great options that don’t require a passport. Group trips are ideal for those who don’t have a lot of friends or are uncomfortable with solo travel.

For those who think traveling is too expensive, Mathis recommends traveling within one’s budget and utilizing hostels such as Airbnb. She also suggests using an airline credit card for everyday transactions. Mathis used a Southwest Chase card to rack up thousands of points and sometimes get free round trips to places like Mexico. However, she cautions travelers to be diligent in paying off the credit card at the end of every month to avoid additional fees.

In 2018, Mathis made history as the first black woman to own and operate a hostel in the United States. Her million-dollar Houston, Texas, company, Wanderstay Hospitality Group, is just another example of her passion for encouraging black women to travel.

Mathis’s advice for black women who fear traveling is simple: “You’ll be okay. People across the globe are really welcoming towards us.”

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