Dee-Dee is worried about a new twist in Joel's situation on Coronation Street.

Things aren't looking up.

September 23rd 2024.

Dee-Dee is worried about a new twist in Joel's situation on Coronation Street.
Dee-Dee was at her wit's end when it came to Joel. His evil deeds had finally caught up to him on Coronation Street, thanks to the hard work of DS Lisa Swain. She had gathered enough evidence to prove that Joel had used her daughter Betsy to get pills that caused Lauren Bolton to go into premature labor, putting her baby Frankie's life in danger.

Betsy was filled with guilt when she learned about the consequences of her actions and confided in Carla and eventually her own mother. Swain was able to obtain a phone call recording where Joel's voice could be heard, further incriminating him. This was just one of the many crimes Joel had committed, but at least it was a start in bringing him to justice. However, Dee-Dee, who was a solicitor, knew that there was a long road ahead before Joel would be behind bars where he belonged.

Meanwhile, Joel was out on bail and in Monday's episode, he tried to manipulate Dee-Dee into reconsidering their wedding. Of course, that was never going to happen, but Joel was persistent and refused to listen to Dee-Dee's pleas for him to leave her alone. Luckily, Ed and Ronnie saw what was happening and stepped in to intervene, sending Joel on his way.

The brothers were furious and even talked about taking matters into their own hands. Ronnie wanted to break Joel's legs, but Ed had a different idea. Unfortunately, his idea wasn't a great one. He tried to provoke Joel into attacking him while Ronnie filmed it on his phone. Joel may have been many things, but he wasn't stupid and quickly caught on to their plan. This only fueled Ronnie's anger, causing him to grab Joel and slam him against a wall. A small crowd had gathered, and Joel took advantage of the situation by pretending to be the victim and calling for help. This forced Ronnie to let him go.

Later, Ed and Ronnie discussed their next move, but Dee-Dee noticed that they were acting suspiciously and demanded to know why. When she learned about their failed attempt to provoke Joel, she was livid. She knew that their actions could have jeopardized the case against him, especially with witnesses to their aggressive behavior. Joel was cunning and knew how to manipulate the system, possibly making it look like the Bailey family had a personal vendetta against him.

Ed admitted that they were wrong, but he promised to make things right. However, could his actions end up making things worse if he didn't listen to Dee-Dee's warnings? Only time would tell. And if you want to be the first to get all the juicy spoilers and gossip from your favorite soaps, don't forget to join Metro's WhatsApp Soaps community and turn on those notifications!

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