Dean Andrews from Emmerdale expresses sadness over the departure of a talented actress from the show.

In 2022, his co-star left in a surprising manner.

May 18th 2024.

Dean Andrews from Emmerdale expresses sadness over the departure of a talented actress from the show.
The 50th anniversary of Emmerdale in 2022 was a momentous occasion that was celebrated in grand style. However, it was also marred by a catastrophic storm that left everyone in shock and mourning. This storm claimed the lives of two beloved characters, Liv and Harriet Finch, leaving the entire village in a state of grief.

Liv was tragically killed when she became trapped under a caravan that was blown away by the storm. Meanwhile, Harriet met her demise after a freak accident where she fell down a steep hill while riding her quad bike and became trapped underneath it. The lightning bolt that struck the bike was a sudden and shocking turn of events that ultimately ended her life.

For the fans of Emmerdale, the sudden departure of these two characters was devastating. Dean Andrews, who plays the role of Will Taylor, Harriet's ex-husband, recently spoke about his feelings towards these scenes and how difficult it was to say goodbye to his co-star, Katherine, who played Harriet.

In an interview, Dean reminisced about working with Katherine and praised her as a talented actor who was also down to earth. He also mentioned how losing co-stars is a common occurrence in the world of soap operas, with many actors having lost their partners along the way. He also revealed how his co-star Claire King, who plays Kim Tate, misses working with some of the actors who have left the show.

Currently, Dean's character is embroiled in a major storyline involving his grandson Evan's illness and the sudden appearance of his ex-wife Rose in the village. The family is now faced with finding a balance between life in the hospital and life back in the village.

Harriet's death during the freak storm in Emmerdale was a shocking and emotional moment for fans. In a previous interview, Katherine shared her thoughts on her character's exit and the lead up to it. She received many messages from fans asking about Harriet's funeral and where her body was, which made her feel sorry for her character. She also mentioned the irony of her character's death occurring during the first "super soap week" she was involved in.

Katherine also reflected on the conversation she had with the producers when they informed her about Harriet's departure. Initially, she was taken aback and wondered if she had done something wrong. But she eventually accepted the decision and acknowledged that it's just a part of showbiz. She also admitted that she had been ready to leave the show for a while but was glad that the producers made the decision for her, as she may not have been brave enough to leave on her own.

The actress also shared her thoughts on Harriet's character development before her death, mentioning how her character had a breakdown and returned to her previous job as a police officer after serving as a vicar in the village. She also expressed discomfort in playing the role of a policewoman at her age and how it felt strange to her. She remembered her character's initial introduction as a fun, quirky, and slightly naughty character and wondered when was the last time viewers saw Harriet laugh.

Katherine also shared her observations on the current trend of soap operas focusing more on sensational and dramatic storylines, rather than character development. She mentioned how the older episodes of Emmerdale were more character-driven, and she feels that there is now a competition between soaps to have the best stunts and tragedies, instead of focusing on the characters.

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