"Dancer's life almost lost in 70mph car accident while on Strictly."

The woman appreciated the generosity of strangers following the accident.

August 12th 2024.

Dr. Punam Krishan, a 41-year-old TV doctor and soon-to-be contestant on Strictly Come Dancing, recently shared a terrifying experience with her fans. In March of last year, while driving at 70mph, Punam found herself in a horror car crash that left her fearing for her life.

The incident, which she described as an "experience of absolute fear," happened when she was simply "cruising along" on a busy motorway. In the blink of an eye, her car aquaplaned and she lost control, crashing into the central reservation.

In the days following the crash, Punam took to Instagram to reflect on the ordeal. She shared that in a split second, everything went blurry yet remained vivid, slow yet fast, and deafening yet silent. The crash had left her feeling grateful for her life, but also shaken to her core.

As she continued to process what had happened, Punam also took the time to acknowledge the "key people" who had shown her kindness and compassion in the aftermath of the crash. She praised the selfless acts of strangers who stopped to help her, calling them "absolute heroes." One woman, in particular, stood out as an "angel" who stayed with her until help arrived.

Over a year later, Punam has chosen to push herself out of her comfort zone by joining the upcoming season of Strictly Come Dancing. She admits that the decision was not an easy one, but she is ready to give it her all. And as she prepares for this new challenge, she keeps a reminder of the "sweetest strangers" who touched her life in a significant way.

As the excitement builds for her upcoming Strictly journey, Punam looks back on the crash with a sense of gratitude and a renewed appreciation for the goodness that exists in the world. She encourages others to share their stories and connect with the world, reminding us that we never know when a stranger's kindness can make all the difference.

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