Dad's supposed ear infection ended up being a life-threatening condition.

Katie rescued Adam from danger and prevented him from losing his life.

February 2nd 2025.

Dad's supposed ear infection ended up being a life-threatening condition.
Adam Tradie was just your average 36-year-old dad-of-five living in Swansea. For two weeks, he had been experiencing pain in his left ear, along with a persistent headache that just wouldn't go away. At first, he thought it was just a simple ear infection and that it would clear up on its own. But as the days went by, the pain only got worse and even a round of antibiotics didn't seem to help.

Adam's solution was to get his ear microsuctioned, a procedure that uses water to clear out blocked ears. He thought this would take care of the problem, but his wife Katie had a feeling that something more serious was going on and urged him to go to the doctor. Adam, being a typical bloke, was hesitant to see a doctor but eventually went to the A&E department at the hospital.

Little did he know, time was of the essence. By the time he arrived at the hospital and video called Katie, his face had started to droop on one side. His condition was deteriorating rapidly and he couldn't even make it inside the hospital on his own. Katie had to call for help and medics came out to get him.

Adam recalls, "I was really sick. The pain was excruciating and it completely buckled me to the floor." A CT scan revealed the shocking truth - it wasn't an ear infection at all. Instead, Adam had suffered a subarachnoid haemorrhage, a type of stroke caused by bleeding on the surface of the brain. He had no idea what could have caused it and the thought of his children having to go through the same thing he did when he lost his mother to a brain aneurysm at the age of 19 was terrifying.

"It was a terrifying experience," Adam said. "When they told me it was a bleed on the brain, I was in shock. My mind immediately went to the worst possible scenario." Thankfully, it wasn't an aneurysm and the doctors were able to diagnose and treat Adam's condition before it became fatal or caused any long-term damage.

Adam is still in the hospital after undergoing surgery last Monday. He will need to take medication and blood pressure tablets while doctors figure out the best course of treatment for him. Looking back, Adam knows that he might not be alive today if it wasn't for Katie's persistence in urging him to seek medical help.

"I want others to learn from my experience and not brush off any concerning symptoms," Adam said. "Don't let anyone dismiss your concerns and keep pushing for answers. Even if you're young, it's important to get checked out and don't be afraid to ask for additional tests. This can happen to anyone."

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