Currency pairs / Exchange value report (07-26-2023)

Currency pairs compare the value of one currency to another—the base currency (or the first one) versus the second or the quote currency. It indicates how much of the quote currency is needed to purchase one unit of the base currency. We have listed the currency pairs values, for the major currencies.

USD/EUR 0.9057

USD/CNY 7.1359

USD/GBP 0.77632

USD/JPY 141.14

USD/AUD 1.48196

USD/INR 81.8825

USD/CAD 1.3195

USD/CHF 0.8654

EUR/CNY 7.88205

EUR/GBP 0.8568

EUR/JPY 155.8

EUR/AUD 1.6363

EUR/INR 90.401

EUR/CAD 1.45676

EUR/CHF 0.9553

GBP/JPY 181.84

GBP/CNY 9.19603

GBP/AUD 1.9094

GBP/INR 105.47791


GBP/CHF 1.115

JPY/CNY 0.05069

JPY/AUD 1.05015

JPY/INR 58.0287

JPY/CAD 0.93505

JPY/CHF 0.61321

AUD/CNY 4.82788

AUD/INR 55.25203

AUD/CAD 0.89

AUD/CHF 0.5837

CNY/INR 11.47473

CNY/CAD 0.18493

CNY/CHF 0.12126

CAD/CHF 0.6559

BTC/USD 29144.89

ETH/USD 1854.49

USDT/USD 0.99991

XRP/USD 0.70521

ADA/USD 0.30177