Currency pairs / Exchange value report (07-08-2024)

Currency pairs compare the value of one currency to another—the base currency (or the first one) versus the second or the quote currency. It indicates how much of the quote currency is needed to purchase one unit of the base currency. We have listed the currency pairs values, for the major currencies.

USD/EUR 0.9234

USD/CNY 7.2682

USD/GBP 0.78062

USD/JPY 160.395

USD/AUD 1.4818

USD/INR 83.46795

USD/CAD 1.36375

USD/CHF 0.89525

EUR/CNY 7.8699

EUR/GBP 0.84525

EUR/JPY 173.75999

EUR/AUD 1.6044

EUR/INR 90.409

EUR/CAD 1.4769

EUR/CHF 0.9695

GBP/JPY 205.46001

GBP/CNY 9.30865

GBP/AUD 1.8979

GBP/INR 106.92706

GBP/CAD 1.74706

GBP/CHF 1.14685

JPY/CNY 0.04532

JPY/AUD 0.923

JPY/INR 52.04015

JPY/CAD 0.85005

JPY/CHF 0.55782

AUD/CNY 4.90454

AUD/INR 56.25249

AUD/CAD 0.92054

AUD/CHF 0.6043

CNY/INR 11.48343

CNY/CAD 0.18764

CNY/CHF 0.12321

INR/CAD 0.01636

INR/CHF 0.01072

CAD/CHF 0.6566

BTC/USD 54757.62

ETH/USD 2860.82007

USDT/USD 0.99995

XRP/USD 0.40959

ADA/USD 0.33912