Currency pairs / Exchange value report (02-25-2024)

Currency pairs compare the value of one currency to another—the base currency (or the first one) versus the second or the quote currency. It indicates how much of the quote currency is needed to purchase one unit of the base currency. We have listed the currency pairs values, for the major currencies.

USD/EUR 0.92409

USD/CNY 7.1959

USD/GBP 0.78917

USD/JPY 150.52499

USD/AUD 1.52348

USD/INR 82.87825

USD/CAD 1.3514

USD/CHF 0.88105

EUR/CNY 7.7867

EUR/GBP 0.8535

EUR/JPY 162.88

EUR/AUD 1.6487

EUR/INR 89.698

EUR/CAD 1.4626

EUR/CHF 0.95365

GBP/JPY 190.74001

GBP/CNY 9.00575

GBP/AUD 1.93197

GBP/INR 105.03038

GBP/CAD 1.71549

GBP/CHF 1.1166

JPY/CNY 0.04721

JPY/AUD 1.0121

JPY/INR 55.0649

JPY/CAD 0.8975

JPY/CHF 0.58545

AUD/CNY 4.6653

AUD/INR 54.40743

AUD/CAD 0.8865

AUD/CHF 0.5784

CNY/INR 11.51709

CNY/CAD 0.18775

CNY/CHF 0.12244

INR/CAD 0.01631

INR/CHF 0.01063

CAD/CHF 0.65232

BTC/USD 51731.99

ETH/USD 3021.76

USDT/USD 0.99978

XRP/USD 0.54677

ADA/USD 0.59935