Currency pairs / Exchange value report (01-24-2024)

Currency pairs compare the value of one currency to another—the base currency (or the first one) versus the second or the quote currency. It indicates how much of the quote currency is needed to purchase one unit of the base currency. We have listed the currency pairs values, for the major currencies.

USD/EUR 0.92098

USD/CNY 7.17145

USD/GBP 0.78792

USD/JPY 148.065

USD/AUD 1.52077

USD/INR 83.18635

USD/CAD 1.34695

USD/CHF 0.8694

EUR/CNY 7.786

EUR/GBP 0.85545

EUR/JPY 160.77

EUR/AUD 1.6515

EUR/INR 90.296

EUR/CAD 1.4625

EUR/CHF 0.94401

GBP/JPY 187.92

GBP/CNY 8.99293

GBP/AUD 1.9304

GBP/INR 105.5519

GBP/CAD 1.7095

GBP/CHF 1.1034

JPY/CNY 0.04787

JPY/AUD 1.02735

JPY/INR 56.16995

JPY/CAD 0.90975

JPY/CHF 0.58733

AUD/CNY 4.65753

AUD/INR 54.65305

AUD/CAD 0.885

AUD/CHF 0.5713

CNY/INR 11.59417

CNY/CAD 0.18782

CNY/CHF 0.12123

CAD/CHF 0.64555

BTC/USD 39788.2

ETH/USD 2228.34

USDT/USD 0.99944

XRP/USD 0.51413

ADA/USD 0.46868