Crowd shocked as referee retaliates against boxer after being hit during match.

Frenzy in the arena!

June 29th 2024.

Crowd shocked as referee retaliates against boxer after being hit during match.
At an event in the Dominican Republic, a boxing match took a turn for the worse when one of the fighters, Julio De Jesus, lost his temper and threw a punch at the referee. This outburst came after Angel Cruz landed a powerful right hand in the second round, causing De Jesus to fall to the ground and Cruz to celebrate in triumph.

Despite De Jesus quickly getting back on his feet, the referee called off the match and declared Cruz the winner, marking De Jesus' seventh consecutive defeat. Frustrated with the decision, De Jesus protested before returning to his corner. However, moments later, he snuck up behind the referee and delivered a sucker-punch to the back of his head, catching him off guard.

The stunned referee took a moment to process what had just happened before retaliating with a punch of his own. Although it did not seem to land cleanly, it caused a commotion in De Jesus' corner. Thankfully, Cruz, who had emerged victorious, intervened as a peacemaker and pulled the referee away from the chaos.

Cruz's record now stands at 11-1 after the incident, while De Jesus, who boasts an impressive 89% knockout ratio, is facing potential consequences for his actions. The fight was part of a Shuan Boxing event in the Dominican capital of Santo Domingo.

This is not the first time that a boxer has attacked a referee in the heat of the moment. In 2014, a Croatian fighter was banned for life after assaulting a referee at a European Youth Boxing Championship. Such behavior is not tolerated in the sport, and De Jesus is likely to face a fine and possible suspension for his actions.

In the end, what should have been a thrilling boxing match turned into an unfortunate display of violence. It serves as a reminder of the importance of sportsmanship and self-control in the ring, and the consequences that can come from losing one's temper.

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