Created a successful six-figure business with only £50 as initial investment.

Embrace imperfection and take action, learning as you progress.

September 14th 2024.

Created a successful six-figure business with only £50 as initial investment.
I have always had a knack for creativity, especially when it comes to making beautiful accessories. It all started when I was just 10 years old, and I would spend hours browsing through the colorful beads and materials at Camden Market, creating my own unique pieces of jewelry. Even though I went on to study and work in the corporate world, my passion for designing accessories never faded.

But as life often goes, there were ups and downs. I found myself feeling a bit uncertain about my path, until one day something truly incredible happened. Renowned businesswoman Jo Malone stumbled upon my handmade accessories range and purchased a headband and brooch. Not only did she love my work, but she also took the time to compliment me on it. This experience was truly life-affirming and came at just the right moment. Meeting her reaffirmed my belief that I was on the right track and filled me with elation.

I have always been a creative person, and my love for designing accessories only grew stronger over the years. So, when I was 27 years old, I decided to pursue my passion by enrolling in a postgraduate accessories design course at the London College of Fashion. This eventually led to the opening of my own jewelry shop in London in 2009, where we specialized in fashion-forward pieces made from semi-precious stones.

Unfortunately, things took a turn when I had to walk away from the business after a falling-out with my business partner, who was also a long-standing friend. It was a difficult time, and I found myself with nothing. As someone who had always feared failure and loss when starting a business, this was now my reality. But I soon realized that facing our fears can be empowering, and that the fear is often worse than the reality.

In the midst of all this, I was also adjusting to a new role as a mother. It was a joyful and terrifying experience, all at once. Holding my beautiful baby girl in my arms was truly life-affirming, and she quickly became the center of my world. But, I also wanted to find a way to keep a piece of myself and my identity as I navigated this new chapter of motherhood.

As any new parent knows, time becomes a precious commodity. And during this time, I found myself constantly tying my hair up in a bun, using the same old boring hair clips. I wanted to feel like my old self, not just a "boring old Mum." That's when inspiration struck – I could design sparkly hair clips that would make any mum feel fabulous.

I started small, using my jewelry design skills to create a mini collection of hair clips. With just £50 from my birthday and a lot of hard work, I was able to invest in my business, QueenMee. Every hair clip was a precious resource, and I spent hours perfecting each one with just the right amount of sparkle.

As a parent, my time was limited, but I persevered. I wore my hair clips everywhere I went, and soon my mum-friends started taking notice and buying them up. Word started spreading, and I even began selling through local hairdressers and gift shops. Eventually, I started selling on online platforms like Etsy and Amazon, introducing new designs and asking for reviews. It wasn't easy, and there were times when I felt like quitting, especially when cash flow was tight. But the kind comments from customers and the feeling of helping women feel fabulous kept me going.

In 2022, I made the decision to hire my first assistant, Celine, who helped me manage orders and the website. And in 2023, Maddie joined the team part-time to help with selling at pop-up shops and managing social media. It was a proud moment when my business was featured in glossy magazines and even appeared on ITV's This Morning, with celebrity stylist Gok Wan praising our collection.

Starting a business can be scary, especially when the fear of failure looms over us. But, as Spanx founder Sara Blakely says, "the biggest risk in life is not risking." And that's exactly what I did – I took a risk and kept reinvesting in my product, with the goal of doubling my profits.

Today, QueenMee continues to grow and reach new heights. And as a mother to two daughters, it brings me immense joy to see them wearing my designs and knowing that my pieces are being sent to countries all over the world. But my mission now goes beyond just designing – I want to help other women start profitable businesses and reach their full potential.

Looking back, I am amazed at how far I have come. From investing £50 to now running a six-figure business, I have learned that anything is possible with hard work and determination. So, if you have a dream, don't let fear hold you back. Take action, learn as you go, and keep pushing forward. You never know where it might lead you.

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