Couple criticized for asking guests to pay £2,000 to attend their wedding.

The pair were labeled as sleazy and tasteless.

September 22nd 2024.

Couple criticized for asking guests to pay £2,000 to attend their wedding.
Jack, a 36-year-old man, received an invitation to his longtime friend Jeff's wedding to his fiancé, Sophie. He was ecstatic because his girlfriend had also been invited as a plus one. After RSVPing to the wedding, Jack received an email a few months later. It expressed the couple's gratitude for his attendance and their hopes for a dream wedding. At the end of the email, there was a link for payment, which Jack assumed was for the honeymoon fund. However, a few days later, his curiosity got the best of him and he clicked on the link. To his surprise, it led him to a payment page that requested almost £2,000 to attend the wedding.

Feeling suspicious, Jack called the venue to inquire about this charge. To his dismay, he was informed that the bride and groom had requested this mandatory fee from all their guests to help fund their dream wedding. This was the first time Jack had heard of such a charge, and he was taken aback. After all, attending a wedding in the UK already costs an average of £629.10, with some locations charging up to £966.72. To expect guests to pay an extra £2,000 just to attend seemed steep.

Despite his surprise, Jack was determined to attend the wedding because of his strong friendship with Jeff. He decided to empty his savings to cover the cost. On the day of the wedding, he was expecting to at least enjoy complimentary food and drinks. However, he was in for another shock when he found out that drinks were not included in the fee. In fact, he ended up spending an additional £30 on drinks throughout the night. And to add insult to injury, when he went to settle his bar tab, he was charged an extra £200.

Upon questioning the venue, Jack found out that the bride and groom had requested each guest to pay an additional £200 as a tip for the hotel. This left Jack in a difficult situation, as he had already emptied his savings to attend the wedding. He managed to negotiate a lower amount, but he couldn't help feeling used by his friends.

After the wedding, Jack did some calculations and realized that the cost of the venue had been spread among the guests, rather than being paid for by the couple. This made him feel like he had been scammed and used to fund the wedding. He was not the only one who felt this way, as many people on the subreddit EntitledPeople also expressed their outrage. The couple was labeled as "entitled," with some even calling them "bridezilla and groomzilla."

In the comments, people were in uproar, calling the couple's actions "tacky" and "embarrassing." Many said that they would have declined the invitation as soon as they saw the payment screen. Some even advised Jack to ask for a refund from the couple. Others were shocked that he had emptied his savings for such an entitled couple.

The question remains, would you ever pay an attendance fee for a wedding? The post sparked a discussion among readers, with some saying they would never pay and others saying it depends on the situation. What are your thoughts? Do you have a similar experience to share? Let us know in the comments below. And if you have any interesting stories, feel free to share them by emailing us. We would love to hear from you.

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