Country band cancels concerts after lead singer's heartbreaking cancer announcement.

Devastatingly sad.

July 2nd 2024.

Country band cancels concerts after lead singer's heartbreaking cancer announcement.
The Mavericks have had to make some changes to their upcoming concerts because their lead singer, Raul Malo, is facing some health issues. Raul shared the news with fans through a video on Instagram, where he revealed that he has been diagnosed with cancer. He also took the opportunity to encourage everyone to prioritize their health and get regular check-ups.

The band, which also includes members Eddie Perez, Jerry Dale McFadden, and Paul Deakin, has been on tour in the US for the past few months. However, due to Raul's health, they have had to reschedule or cancel some of their performances. This includes their shows in Aspen and Steamboat Springs, which were supposed to take place on July 12 and July 14 respectively. The concert in Denver on July 13 has also been moved to August 25.

Raul's Instagram video started with him thanking fans for their support towards the band's new music. He then went on to share his personal news about his cancer diagnosis. He explained that as part of their health journey, the band has been taking better care of themselves and making healthier choices. This led to them getting regular check-ups, which ultimately led to Raul's diagnosis.

The 58-year-old singer reassured fans that he has a great medical team and is confident in his recovery. He will be starting chemotherapy after the 4th of July and while some shows might be affected, he remains positive about his treatment. Raul also urged his followers to prioritize their health and get regular check-ups, just like he did.

In a statement to Billboard, Raul shared that his doctors have reassured him that his cancer is a common one and his chances of recovery are good. He also mentioned that he has a plan in place and is feeling great. Despite this setback, Raul remains determined to continue making music and performing for his fans.

As expected, Raul's announcement was met with an outpouring of love and support from fans and loved ones. His wife, Betty Malo, shared a heartfelt message on his Instagram post, assuring him that they will get through this together. Others also left encouraging messages, praising Raul's bravery for sharing his journey and sending him positive vibes.

The Mavericks have been making music since 1989 and are known for hits such as O What A Thrill and What A Crying Shame. They have been nominated for Grammys and have won awards for their music. Despite the challenges they have faced, the band continues to make music and recently released their latest album, Moon and Stars.

Raul's health may have caused some changes to their tour, but the band remains strong and determined to keep making music for their loyal fans. If you have a celebrity story, don't hesitate to reach out to us through our Submit Stuff page. We would love to hear from you.

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