Coronation Street reveals the culprit in Nathan Curtis' attack, and it wasn't Daniel Osbourne.

The identity of the perpetrator is exposed.

May 17th 2024.

Coronation Street reveals the culprit in Nathan Curtis' attack, and it wasn't Daniel Osbourne.
The culprit behind Nathan's attack has finally been revealed on Coronation Street. It turns out that it wasn't Daniel Osbourne, as many had initially suspected. Bethany Platt was the first to spot Nathan at the reconstruction of missing Lauren Bolton's final known movements and was left horrified when she realized that he had been released from prison. Given his history, Bethany was convinced that Nathan was responsible for Lauren's disappearance and was determined to prove it, even going so far as to steal his phone.

Her suspicions were confirmed when she found that Nathan had been messaging other young blonde girls and was subscribed to Lauren's O-Vidz account. This only fueled Bethany's determination to make sure Nathan faced proper punishment for his actions. Meanwhile, her loved ones grew increasingly worried about her obsession with proving Nathan's guilt and decided that something needed to be done to stop him from ruining her life all over again.

And then, just hours later, Nathan was attacked and left for dead by a hooded figure. The incident only added to the chaos and drama surrounding Nathan's case, with Bethany immediately suspecting that Daniel was the one who had attacked him. She was outraged and made it clear that she was not pleased with what he had done, especially after learning about his past attack on Justin Rutherford with acid.

In the midst of all this, David Platt found himself in the hot seat as Shona Platt questioned him about the red hair dye on his jeans, not convinced by his claims of innocence. Both Daniel and David vehemently denied any involvement, but Shona eventually uncovered evidence that proved David had been at the scene of the crime. He finally came clean and admitted that he had witnessed the attack, which led to Sarah Platt revealing the truth to Bethany that Gary Windass was behind it all.

Bethany was absolutely disgusted by this turn of events, as she had been hoping for Nathan to face justice through legal means. The situation only worsened when Gary and Sarah paid Nathan to keep quiet about the attack. Bethany was furious and lashed out at Sarah, pointing out that Gary seemed to be more concerned with her well-being than his own wife's. This led to a heated argument between Bethany and her mother, with Bethany storming out in anger and hurt.

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