Concord is a top-rated video game I enjoyed immensely.

Opinion piece says Concord was a masterpiece but failed due to marketing by Sony.

September 14th 2024.

Concord is a top-rated video game I enjoyed immensely.
Is Concord truly a masterpiece that was misunderstood? In a reader's feature, it is argued that this was the case and that the only flaw of the game was Sony's marketing strategy.

As one of the few people who actually bought and played Concord, I can say that I stumbled upon it by accident. I became intrigued when I discovered that it was a first party Sony game with a new intellectual property. I am writing this because I strongly feel that the game has been unfairly dismissed and misunderstood by both the gaming media and the gaming community as a whole.

There are multiple reasons for this, but the primary one was Sony's colossal failure in marketing the game. At first glance, Concord may have looked like just another hero shooter similar to Overwatch. However, those of us who actually played the game soon realized that it was so much more than that. In fact, we discovered that we had a hidden gem in our hands.

You may find this hard to believe, but I genuinely believe that Concord is one of the best games I have ever played. And mind you, I have been an avid gamer for over 30 years now. I am not usually drawn to online multiplayer games, but Concord managed to capture my attention with its weekly story updates and impressive level of polish and attention to detail - elements that are usually associated with Sony's first party single player games.

I have played popular games like Overwatch and Call of Duty: Warzone, but none of them were able to hold my interest the way Concord did. One of the main reasons for this was because I felt invested in the characters and their stories.

In terms of gameplay, Concord was extremely engaging and well-balanced across all the different characters. Each character felt unique and fun to play, and I never felt that any one of them was too overpowered or underpowered. The gunplay was smooth and satisfying, reminiscent of single-player shooters like Titanfall 2 or Doom. Even the movement of the characters was a joy to experience, and I found myself having fun even when I was losing because the action was just so satisfying.

Concord was accessible for newcomers, but at the same time, it offered a deep and rewarding experience for those who wanted to master all its mechanics. In short, I was blown away by how good the game felt to play. However, I can understand why some people may have been put off by certain factors, such as the cost, character design, and even the ongoing culture wars.

Out of these, the biggest factor was undoubtedly the price tag. In today's gaming landscape, we have become accustomed to the idea that live service multiplayer games should be free-to-play. However, we also acknowledge that free-to-play often comes with significant drawbacks. Personally, I prefer paying upfront and receiving the entire game, rather than being constantly drained of my money. Unfortunately, Sony did not do enough to convince people why they should invest in Concord when they could simply play their favorite free-to-play shooter. Perhaps if they had released a demo or made it available to PS Plus subscribers, more people would have given the game a chance, and the player-base could have grown to critical mass, leading to its success.

Sadly, it feels like Sony set Concord up for failure with poorly executed trailers that failed to highlight what was truly special and unique about the game, coupled with a high price point that acted as a barrier for potential players. Just like its namesake, Concord was a beautifully designed premium product that ultimately met a tragic end. I sincerely hope that it will make a comeback in some form in the future.

As a reader, I believe that Concord still has a lot of potential and could return in a better form. These are my personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of GameCentral or Metro. If you too have an opinion on this, you can submit your own 500-600 word feature at any time. Just contact us via email or use the Submit Stuff page. We would love to hear from you.

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