Concerns over Modern Warfare 3 being a rip-off, optimism for Starfield, and love for Advance Wars discussed in today's Games Inbox.

Friday letters: No major hit survival horror games; reader apathetic about Spider-Man 2.

August 18th 2023.

Concerns over Modern Warfare 3 being a rip-off, optimism for Starfield, and love for Advance Wars discussed in today's Games Inbox.
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 has been creating a lot of buzz lately, and the rumours that have been circulating have been proven to be true. It appears that this game is nothing more than DLC sold at full price, and it's outrageous that this is even being allowed. It's understandable that the campaign is good, since that's all it was originally, but what about the rest of it? Zombies mode is just a big map with no new content, while multiplayer is just a bunch of remakes of Modern Warfare 2 maps.

It's not hard to imagine how this situation came about, as Activision probably ordered it to be turned into a full game, but the developer had to rush to get it done, so we end up with remakes and promises of new maps next year. It's a complete scam, and I hope it doesn't sell as well as the last game, otherwise it's a sign of humanity's decline. I won't be buying it, and I'll just read the plot summary on Wikipedia afterwards.

The Friday letters page didn't think any survival horror game can be a major hit, and they're not wrong. We've seen a hundred times before that the usual style just doesn't cut it with the mainstream, and that's why Remedy have seen sense and delayed Alan Wake 2. I'm still not convinced it or Alone In the Dark will sell well, even though I'll be getting both of them.

RE: Frankly. I agree with Frankly that Spider-Man 2 is nothing to be optimistic about. I did enjoy Miles Morales, but the prospect of another open world full of the same was not something I was looking forward to. Maybe for some it's enough, but I just can't get excited about another Spider-Man game, I had the same feeling with Uncharted 4.

There's been a lot of discussion about video games that are time sponges, and for me, Advance Wars is in the Class A category. I spent hours defeating the boss on the final level of challenge mode, and it was a brutally tough campaign that I eventually won. The turn-based strategy was so finely balanced, and the aesthetic was both charming and perverse. The soundtrack was great, and it's a timeless, dangerously addictive game that I would rate a 10 out of 10. It's definitely in my all-time top five.

Finally, I wanted to bring to your attention the worrying trend of overzealous and indiscriminate deleting of messages in the comments section. Trolls have figured out that any comment they report is automatically deleted, and this has caused many familiar community members to drift away. I hope this issue can be fixed soon, otherwise I and many others will simply stop engaging.

Starfield hasn't really had much information revealed about it, and I hope that's not because Bethesda are holding things back for a reason. I'd love to see a court system mini-game, where you level up speech and call witnesses. Although this is beginning to sound more like an AI powered mod!
Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - did it used to be DLC or not? The Friday letters page seemed to suggest that no survival horror game could ever be a major hit, further supported by another reader's apathy towards Spider-Man 2.

It came as no surprise that the rumours about Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 were true. It's almost as if all the datamined content was just waiting to be confirmed. What Activision said was so obvious - this 'game' was just DLC sold at its full price, and it's outrageous.

The campaign was probably good, as that was all it was originally meant to be. But what about the rest of it? Zombies mode sounds like the same old thing with a bigger map, while multiplayer is just a bunch of Modern Warfare 2 remakes.

It's easy to imagine how this all came about. Activision orders it to be turned into a full game in a short time, so the developers had to come up with something fast. They settled on remakes and a promise of new maps in the next year.

I'm not going to buy it, as I think it's a complete rip-off. I'll only read the plot summary on Wikipedia afterwards. I hope it sells considerably less than the last game, or else I'll lose faith in humanity.

Good to see that Remedy have decided to delay Alan Wake 2, though I'm still not convinced that either it or Alone In the Dark will sell that well. I'll be getting both on the day of their release, as I love the genre, but I don't think enough ordinary people do to make either of them a major hit.

It's clear that survival horror games have to do something different to be successful. Resident Evil is the only exception, but it still doesn't do too well compared to other major hits. It's half action anyway.

I'm with the reader who doesn't share Frankly's optimism for Spider-Man 2. While I loved Miles Morales, the prospect of another open world filled me with no joy. There's been nothing to suggest that it's anything but more of the same.

Maybe for some that's enough, but I'm unable to get excited about another Spider-Man game. I had a similar feeling when I got to Uncharted 4.

Finally, we come to the class A time sponge, Advance Wars. Five hours of brutally tough campaign that I eventually won. It's so finely balanced and endlessly entertaining that it borders on genius. The commanding officers' reactions are hilarious, and the soundtrack is fantastic. A timeless, dangerously addictive, cast-iron 10 out of 10.

Starfield, if you commit a crime you go straight to jail, like previous Bethesda titles. How about some sort of court system mini-game? Would make levelling up speech more rewarding. I hope that Bethesda don't hold things back for no reason.

My concern is the worrying trend of overzealous and indiscriminate deleting of messages in the comments section. Trolls know that any comment they report will be automatically deleted, and this has contributed to the lower number of messages I see being posted each day and the loss of many familiar community members.

I hope this issue can be fixed, otherwise myself and others will drift away and stop engaging altogether. That would be a real shame.

So, I'm glad that I brought this to your attention. I hope you can make some changes soon.

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