Concerned parent wants son to reconsider marriage to unpleasant girlfriend.

Son's fiancee takes a long time getting ready for date nights, causing husband to wait at their house frequently since his retirement.

September 15th 2024.

Concerned parent wants son to reconsider marriage to unpleasant girlfriend.
Dear Abby,

I hope this letter finds you well. I wanted to share a recent situation that has been weighing on my mind. My son is engaged to a wonderful girl who we all adore. However, there has been a bit of an issue that has arisen lately. You see, my husband was over at their house while my son's fiancée was in the midst of getting ready for their date night.

As my husband was waiting for her to finish getting ready, he happened to overhear her talking on the phone. It seemed like she was having a conversation with a friend, and the topic of discussion was a bit concerning. She was expressing some doubts about her relationship with my son and even mentioned the possibility of calling off the engagement. Naturally, my husband was quite taken aback by this revelation.

He didn't want to intrude on their privacy, so he didn't mention anything to my son or his fiancée. But he couldn't help but feel uneasy about the situation. We all want our son to be happy and in a loving, committed relationship, and this news has left us feeling worried and unsure of what to do.

We have always had a good relationship with our future daughter-in-law and we don't want to overstep any boundaries. But at the same time, we can't ignore this potential red flag. We want to approach the situation delicately and respectfully, but we also want to make sure that our son's happiness is not at risk.

Do you have any advice on how we should handle this delicate situation? We would greatly appreciate any wisdom you can offer. Thank you for all the valuable advice you provide to your readers.

A Concerned Mother

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