Comparing Starfield to Baldur's Gate 3, discussing Skyrim in space, and reviewing Goodbye Volcano High.

Readers want Naughty Dog's next game to be a comedy, contrasting it with Mass Effect Andromeda.

September 5th 2023.

Comparing Starfield to Baldur's Gate 3, discussing Skyrim in space, and reviewing Goodbye Volcano High.
Baldurfield is upon us and the Tuesday letters page wants to hear from you. With the release of Baldur's Gate 3 and Starfield both quickly approaching, readers are eager to join in on the discussion.

Double date, one reader, compares Starfield to Mass Effect Andromeda, hoping for a comedy from Naughty Dog's next game. With the chaos and discord surrounding Starfield's release, it's easy to forget that Baldur's Gate 3 has yet to be released and reviewed by anyone of consequence.

The PC version has been reviewed much better than Starfield, but the question remains of how well it will run on the PlayStation 5. Sony's lack of communication and advertising of Baldur's Gate 3 has been noticed and fans are left wondering when it will end.

Mellon Warts and All has noticed that Starfield seems to lack a space sim element and Bethesda never really clarified whether it would be a space sim or not. Segmented nature and what some believe to be more loading screens than Fallout 4 have left some disappointed.

Simundo lighten up hopes that Naughty Dog's next game will be a fantasy game or something other than a grimdark, super serious game. Naughty Dog is known for Crash Bandicoot and it would be nice to see something lighthearted from them.

Shahzaib Sadiq has never played a tabletop role-playing game before but is a massive role-playing fan. Dungeons & Dragons is just a detail and role-playing fans shouldn't hesitate to try out Baldur's Gate 3.

Country Mike has been a reader for a long time and is hoping for a review of Goodbye Volcano High. Unfortunately, it's been difficult to get hold of anyone representing the game.

Bad start has left some Starfield players disappointed. New Atlantis is dull and sterile and extremely difficult to navigate. Early fetch quests and bad looking character models can make the experience more frustrating.

Matt agrees with the Starfield preview and is surprised at how bland the game feels. The odd thing is that the least interesting and ugliest planets are the first you come across. Lack of a map and frustrating combat can make the game a bad start.

The Tuesday letters page is eager to hear your thoughts and opinions. Email your comments to the address above and join in on the discussion.
Baldurfield is upon us and the discussion surrounding it is getting heated. Starfield has been advertised heavily and is getting the most attention, but it isn't the only game releasing on that day. Baldur's Gate 3 is also releasing and yet has been largely forgotten in all the fray.

This is an unfortunate turn of events, especially when you consider that the PC version of Baldur's Gate 3 has gotten better reviews than Starfield. Unfortunately, it is not yet known how well it will run on the PlayStation 5, and Sony has not taken advantage of the coincidence to advertise it.

This is a major missed opportunity, as most people would not have even heard of Baldur's Gate 3 if it weren't for other sites drawing attention to it. It seems that Sony is content to remain secretive and uncommunicative - but when will this end?

The disappointment many feel towards Starfield is due to it not having much of a space sim element. Bethesda did not lead anyone up the garden path, but the hopes of 1,000 planets and ship customisation lead to the term "No Man's Skyrim" being coined. The segmented nature of the game and what appears to be more loading screens than Fallout 4 has been a major setback.

It would have been nice if the space setting had produced something a bit fresher, but it's not something to dwell on. Naughty Dog is also rumoured to be working on a fantasy game, and it would be great if it were something lighthearted. Even Uncharted 4 got more serious when Druckmann took over, so a comedy fantasy game would be a great change of pace.

Baldur's Gate 3 is a role-playing game based on the Dungeons & Dragons ruleset. Though many are not familiar with tabletop role-playing, it's worth a try for fans of the genre. Star Wars: Knights Of The Old Republic is an example of a game that uses the same ruleset.

Goodbye Volcano High is another game that came out recently, but it's been difficult to get hold of anyone to review it. It looks interesting, but it's hard to tell whether it's worth getting or not with so few reviews.

Finally, Starfield's New Atlantis has been a major let-down due to its blandness and immense size, making it difficult to navigate. The character models also appear shockingly bad, and the early fetch quests can be tedious. Despite this, some of the more barren planets are extremely pretty and the combat is OK.

In the end, Baldurfield is a day full of surprises. With two major games releasing on the same day, it's a good time to be a gamer!

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