City officials use £35,000 for Corgi statues rather than repairing potholes, causing controversy.

Walsall residents questioning use of funds while authority plans to cut £20m from budget.

October 5th 2024.

City officials use £35,000 for Corgi statues rather than repairing potholes, causing controversy.
The Walsall Arboretum Visitor Centre was buzzing with excitement as two new sculptures were officially unveiled. These sculptures, made in the likeness of Corgis, were dedicated to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, a beloved figure in the community.

However, amidst the joy and celebration, the council was met with criticism for their decision to spend £35,000 on these statues. With the council facing financial constraints and trying to cut down on their budget by £20 million, many residents were left questioning the necessity of such an expense.

Some voiced their concerns about the raised council tax and the lack of improvement in issues such as potholes, fly-tipping, and anti-social behavior. Tracey Wilkins, a resident of Blakenall, Walsall, expressed her conflicting opinion, stating that although she liked the sculptures, she couldn't help but feel that the money could have been used more effectively elsewhere.

Despite the backlash, the council defended their decision, citing the significance of the Walsall Arboretum's 150th anniversary. The stone corgis were seen as a fitting tribute to the occasion and a way to honor the Queen's love for the breed.

The debate over the corgi statues continued among the locals, with some arguing that the money could have been used for community projects or to support struggling businesses on the high streets. Others saw the sculptures as a symbol of pride for their town and a potential tourist attraction.

As the controversy raged on, one thing was certain - the two corgi statues had certainly caused quite a stir in Walsall. Whether it was a justified use of public funds or not, the dedication to Queen Elizabeth II and the Walsall Arboretum's milestone anniversary could not be denied.

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