Chris Eubank's son allegedly raped a 16-year-old girl who was too intoxicated to stand, according to court testimony.

The court was told that he told the girl to look at the moon before assaulting her.

September 23rd 2024.

Chris Eubank's son allegedly raped a 16-year-old girl who was too intoxicated to stand, according to court testimony.
Joseph Eubank arrived at Lewes Crown Court, his presence drawing attention in the bustling courthouse. He is the son of the famous boxing star Chris Eubank, but today, he is not here for a celebration. Instead, he stands accused of a grave crime – the rape of a 16-year-old girl on a pebble beach.

As the court proceedings began, the details of the alleged incident were revealed. The girl, whose identity remains protected by the law, was out celebrating her friend's birthday in July of 2022. According to the prosecutor, Beverly Cripps, she had become separated from her friends while searching for her lost phone. It was during this moment of vulnerability that Joseph Eubank, 27, allegedly attacked her at Brighton Pier.

The prosecution went on to describe how the girl was too intoxicated to stand up straight, clinging to a nearby bar for support. She couldn't see straight and was swaying, a clear indication of her inebriated state. The court was told that Eubank had asked the girl her age, to which she replied 16. He then revealed that he was 26 before suggesting they go and look at the moon.

According to the girl's recollection in a video interview with the police, Eubank had grabbed her wrist and pulled her along the beach, causing her to fall multiple times on the stones. She described feeling confused about how she had ended up so far down the beach. It was there that he forced her down and raped her, as she lay on the stones. The court heard that the girl only realized what had happened afterwards.

In her statement to the police, the girl recounted how she had struggled to stand up due to her intoxicated state, while Eubank held onto her tightly. She also mentioned that he had kissed her, further adding to her confusion. But it was when he pulled her down to the bottom of the groynes near the sea that she realized she had been raped.

The girl's state of mind during the incident was revealed in her statement, where she expressed her thoughts of confusion and disbelief. She couldn't understand how she had ended up in such a vulnerable position, considering she had been at the steps just moments before. After Eubank left, she immediately felt upset and began crying. She managed to find her friend's phone and called them to tell them what had happened.

The court also heard about a message that was sent to the girl's phone a couple of hours after the incident. It was from an unknown number and read, "Hey pup, are you ready for round two?" The girl was scared and deleted the message, only mentioning it to the police later on.

Throughout the trial, Eubank has maintained his innocence, denying the charges against him. The prosecutor emphasized that the issue at hand was not whether Eubank penetrated the teenager but whether it was done with her consent. The prosecution argued that the girl's age and drunken state made her vulnerable and unable to give her consent.

As the trial continues, the court heard from a beach cleaner who found the girl's phone and returned it to her. This led to the discovery of the disturbing message, further adding to the evidence against Eubank. The girl's emotional state and the events of that night were laid bare for all to see, leaving no doubt that this was a traumatic experience for her. Only time will tell what the verdict will be, but for now, the trial continues.

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