Chris Brown has an outburst onstage when he becomes stuck in the air during a performance.

Wow, this is surprising.

June 14th 2024.

Chris Brown has an outburst onstage when he becomes stuck in the air during a performance.
"Next up on the concert stage, we had Chris Brown, who brought the house down with his hit song "Under the Influence". The Grammy-winning artist, who is 35 years old, took to the stage at the Prudential Centre in Newark, New Jersey for his highly anticipated 11:11 tour. As he sang his heart out, Brown was suspended in the air, gliding gracefully on wires across the stage. However, things took a turn when the production tech seemed to malfunction, leaving Brown stuck in the air and unable to continue his performance.

In a state of confusion and frustration, Brown gestured for help to the backstage crew as he hung suspended in the air. A ladder was quickly brought out to assist him in climbing down to ground level. Despite the mishap, Brown continued to sing his heart out and tried his best to keep the show going. However, it was clear from his expression that he was not pleased with the situation. He unclipped himself from the wires and made his way down the ladder, directing an angry shout towards someone offstage.

Viewers who watched the video of the incident couldn't help but notice Brown's frustration and commented on how "mad" he seemed. One viewer wrote, "He was so mad he was singing tf out that song!" The video was also shared on TikTok and received a lot of attention from users, including @terrim89.

It was quite a scene as Brown dangled in the air like a Christmas ornament, as one viewer pointed out. Another viewer, @RozyLove, shared their experience of being at the concert and witnessing the mishap firsthand. They explained that Brown was supposed to perform two songs on the stage, but due to the technical difficulties, he got stuck mid-air for longer than expected. Understandably, Brown became upset as his crew took too long to get him down.

According to reports, Brown did express his anger about the technical difficulties at the end of the two-hour concert, but he also made light of the situation. This wasn't the first time Brown's temper made headlines. In 2009, he famously pleaded guilty to physically assaulting Rihanna, which resulted in her being hospitalized with injuries. After completing domestic violence counseling, Brown took to Twitter to share his thoughts. He wrote, "I have enough self-respect and decency to be proud of accomplishing this DV class. Boyz run from their mistakes. Men learn from them!!!"

The incident at the concert wasn't the only time Brown's past came back to haunt him. In 2015, he was denied a visa to the UK, which meant he couldn't perform there. The Home Office released a statement explaining that they have the right to refuse entry to anyone who has committed a serious criminal offense, and public safety is their top priority. This wasn't the only time Brown's criminal record prevented him from traveling and performing. In 2015, he was also denied entry to Toronto, Australia, and New Zealand due to his criminal history.

In addition to his legal troubles, Brown has been involved in several other incidents that have made headlines. In 2011, he allegedly threw a chair at a window during a backstage meltdown after being asked about his assault on Rihanna by Good Morning America's Robin Roberts. The following year, he was involved in a nightclub brawl with Drake in New York City. In 2013, Brown and his bodyguard were arrested for felony assault after a physical altercation with two men outside a hotel.

In 2016, Michael Guirguis, who was hired by Brown to help improve his image after the Rihanna assault, accused Brown of attacking him. The matter was later settled in court. In 2018, Brown faced two criminal counts for owning a restricted species, a capuchin monkey. And just last year, he was accused of rape by a woman on Diddy's yacht. However, the case was eventually dropped after text messages were released in which the woman asked Brown to meet up with her after the alleged rape.

Despite all of these incidents and legal troubles, Brown continues to make music and perform for his fans. If you have a celebrity story, video, or pictures, don't hesitate to reach out to us at The Agency entertainment team. You can email us, call us, or visit our Submit Stuff page. We would love to hear from you!"

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