China's military displays its 'robot dog' during training exercises.

A video released by the state revealed a "dog" working with ground forces in urban warfare situations.

May 28th 2024.

China's military displays its 'robot dog' during training exercises.
Have you seen the latest military technology? It's like something straight out of the dystopian show, Black Mirror. But don't be alarmed, it's just the modern adaptation of robotics for the battlefield. China's military recently showcased their newest creation during military drills with Cambodia – a robot dog equipped with an automatic rifle. Yes, you heard that right – man's best friend has now been turned into a killing machine.

A soldier named Chen Wei, seen in a video from state broadcaster CCTV, explains the capabilities of this robotic dog. He mentions that it can serve as a valuable member in urban combat operations, taking over tasks such as reconnaissance and identifying enemies. It can also strike targets with precision, making it a valuable asset on the battlefield.

The two-minute video, captured during the China-Cambodia "Golden Dragon 2024" exercise, displays the robot dog in action. It can be seen walking, hopping, lying down, and even moving backwards – all under the control of a remote operator. In one particular drill, the robot dog leads an infantry unit into a simulated building, showcasing its ability to maneuver through different terrains.

But that's not all – the latter part of the video also features an aerial drone with an automatic rifle mounted underneath its six rotors. This highlights China's impressive arsenal of intelligent unmanned equipment. Military use of drones and robot dogs is not a new concept, with countries like the US and Russia already utilizing them in their operations.

The use of drones and robotic dogs has proven to be a game-changer in modern warfare. The US Air Force has demonstrated how it incorporates robotic dogs into its Advanced Battle Management System, using advanced technology to detect and counter threats to their military assets. Similarly, since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, drones have become a common sight on the battlefield, proving to be an equalizer for smaller military forces.

China, known as one of the world's leading drone exporters, has also placed export controls on drone technology in the interest of national security. However, their robotic dogs have been gaining a lot of publicity for the People's Liberation Army. These robotic dogs have been making appearances on China's heavily regulated social media for over a year now, indicating their advanced stage of development.

According to experts, the presence of these robotic dogs in joint military exercises with foreign countries is a significant achievement. It shows that these robotic dogs have reached a high level of technical maturity. With the continuous advancements in military technology, it's no surprise that robotic dogs are becoming a vital part of modern warfare.

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