Childcare workers cannot use personal phones to take pictures of kids.

New rules state that only devices provided by childcare facilities can be used to capture footage of children.

July 1st 2024.

Childcare workers cannot use personal phones to take pictures of kids.
As of today, workers at certain childcare centres will have to adjust to new guidelines that prohibit them from taking photos and videos of the children in their care using their own personal phones. This change is a result of the implementation of the National Model Code and Guidelines, which states that only devices issued by the early childhood education and care services can be used to capture footage of children.

According to Early Childhood Education Minister Anne Aly, this decision is aimed at promoting a child-safe environment within these services. In her words, "This is about helping early childhood education and care providers to embed a child-safe culture in their services." She also adds that they will not hesitate to take necessary actions to ensure the safety of all children in these centres.

These new guidelines have been put in place as part of the joint effort by the Commonwealth, state, and territory to address the recommendations made by the Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority to enhance safety measures in childcare centres. As Federal Education Minister Jason Clare puts it, "Australia has a very good system of early childhood education and care, but more can be done to make sure safety guidance and measures are fit for purpose." This is why education ministers are taking action to ensure that the right rules are in place to protect our children while they are in early education and care.

Apart from prohibiting the use of personal phones for taking photos and videos, the code and guidelines also have regulations in place for how such footage can be taken, shared, and stored. However, it is worth noting that these guidelines are not mandatory and only apply to childcare centres that have voluntarily signed up for them. The federal government has been encouraging early childhood education and care providers to adopt the code, and they have also promised to introduce more safety reforms in the future.

In conclusion, the new guidelines regarding the use of personal phones for taking photos and videos at childcare centres have been put in place to ensure the safety of children. While these regulations are not compulsory, the government is urging providers to adopt them, and more safety measures are expected to be introduced in the near future.

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