Chef of Obama family died in an accident, not from an illness.

He passed away in July, sparking attention due to his connection to the ex-POTUS.

August 24th 2023.

Chef of Obama family died in an accident, not from an illness.
The news of Tafari Campbell's passing in late July was met with shock and sadness due to his connection to the Obama Family. Campbell, the personal chef for the Obama Family during their vacations in Martha's Vineyard, had drowned in an accident while paddleboarding.

An emergency response team found his body a day after he was reported missing, and an autopsy concluded that he had indeed drowned. The 45-year-old chef had been paddleboarding with another companion, but the person was unable to rescue him when he went overboard.

The companion quickly swam back to shore and called 911 to report the incident, yet Campbell was unable to be revived in time.

Campbell was a sous chef at the White House when Barack Obama was in office. He then went on to work for the Obama family in their post-presidential home. After learning of the news, the Obamas expressed their shock and sadness in a statement.

“Tafari was a beloved part of our family. When we first met him, he was a talented sous chef at the White House – creative and passionate about food, and its ability to bring people together. In the years that followed, we got to know him as a warm, fun, extraordinarily kind person who made all of our lives a little brighter,” the statement read.

The Obamas went on to say, “That’s why, when we were getting ready to leave the White House, we asked Tafari to stay with us, and he generously agreed. He’s been part of our lives ever since, and our hearts are broken that he’s gone.”

The former First Family expressed their condolences and paid tribute to Tafari Campbell's legacy of passion and kindness. The 45-year-old chef was not wearing flotation equipment while paddleboarding, but he left behind a powerful message that his former employers continue to remember.

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