Check Tithi, Shubh Muhurat, Moon Sign & Name Letter for Sept 26, 2023 in today's Panchang.

September 25th 2023.

Check Tithi, Shubh Muhurat, Moon Sign & Name Letter for Sept 26, 2023 in today's Panchang.
Today is an auspicious day to worship Lord Ganesha or Durga Devi, and chant Ganesha Atharvashrsha or Devi Kavach. These traditional practices will bring good fortune and blessings to those who perform them.

For those who have just welcomed a new addition to their family, their baby's moon sign will be Capricorn. According to this moon sign, the baby's name should begin with the letters Bho, J, Kh, or G.

The current Panchang also shows that today's Tithi is Dwadashi and the Nakshatra is Shravana. Meanwhile, the Karana is Bhav and the Baalav is also Bhav. The Paksha is Shukla and the Yoga is Sukarma. Additionally, the day is Tuesday and the Ritu is Sharad.

The Hindu Month and Year are Shaka Samvat 1945 Shobhakruth and Kali Samvat 5125 respectively. The day duration is 12:03 PM and the Vikram Samvat is 2080. The month is Amanta Bhadrapada and the Purnimanta Bhadrapada.

Auspicious timings today include Abhijit, which is from 12:05:09 to 12:53:24. Inauspicious timings are Dushta Muhurtas from 08:52 AM to 09:40 AM, Kantaka/Mrityu from 07:15 AM to 08:03 AM, Yamaghanta from 10:28 AM to 11:16 AM, Rahu Kaal from 03:30 PM to 05:00 PM, Kulika from 01:41 PM to 02:29 PM, Kalavela from 08:52 AM to 09:40 AM, Yamaganda from 09:28 AM to 10:58 AM, and Gulika Kaal from 12:29 PM to 01:59 PM.

Finally, the Disha Shoola is North. The Chandrabalam and Tarabalam are also shown to be as follows: Tara Bala is Ashwini, Kritika, Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Ardra, Pushya, Magha, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Anuradha, Moola, Uttara Ashadha, Shravana, Dhanishta, Satabisha, and Uttara Bhadrapada. The Chandra Bala is Aries, Cancer, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces.

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