Changing behavior – amending existing systems

When we think about behavior change, we often think about creating new habits/systems. This is why new year resolutions are popular. “New year, new me” and so on.

However, we’re far more likely to be successful if we find ways to incorporate new behavior by amending existing systems.

For example, I know I need to drink more water during the day. The new system approach would be to set alarms to remind myself to drink water. The amending existing system approach would be to drink a bottle after I wake up, at the end of my workout, after lunch, and so on.

The reason amending existing systems works well is because it leverages existing momentum vs. attempting to create new momentum.

This is also how products that attempt to change user’s workflows are made. We are always better off tapping into existing workflows and then making changes vs. attempting to force people into new workflows (which rarely ends well).

Start by modifying existing systems. Then use that momentum to create new systems.
