Change-makers in business: Vinay & Vaibhav Maloo, who are creating a major impact.

October 25th 2023.

Change-makers in business: Vinay & Vaibhav Maloo, who are creating a major impact.
The father-son duo of Vinay and Vaibhav Maloo have taken the business world by storm with their company, Enso Group. They are a testament to the fact that hard work and dedication can take you to places.

Vinay Maloo, the proud Chairman of Enso Group, started his business career with marble mining before moving on to telecom. With Enso Group, he has managed to diversify his portfolio into sectors such as energy, IT, petroleum products, healthcare, trading, mining, and real estate.

Vaibhav Maloo, the Managing Director of Enso Group, is also the President of Enso Foundation. He is determined to make Enso Group a force to be reckoned with at an international level. Vaibhav Maloo also wants to create employment opportunities for the youth both in India and beyond.

The Maloos are both great examples of positive mental fortitude and creative vision. They believe that entrepreneurs should identify a gap in their chosen niche and provide products and services to fill it. This, according to them, is the key to success.

The Maloos have certainly shown the world that anything is possible with hard work. Their inspiring story has become an example for aspiring entrepreneurs everywhere.

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