Celebrities' voting preferences for UK's general election.

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June 27th 2024.

Celebrities' voting preferences for UK's general election.
Celebrities are getting involved in the upcoming 2024 general election. As the political parties gear up for the big day and try to win over your vote, you can expect to see a lot of public appearances, intense debates, and questionable advertisement campaigns. But something that has become increasingly common in recent years is the involvement of celebrities. Parties are using their famous supporters to try and sway potential voters.

You might think that a celebrity endorsing a political party wouldn't have much of an impact on the election results. But in 2017, the Grime4Corbyn movement helped Labour gain a staggering 77% of the ethnic minority vote. This just goes to show the influence that celebrities can have on the public's opinion. Some celebrities even take it a step further by actually entering the world of politics. For example, comedian Eddie Izzard made an unsuccessful bid to become the Labour MP for Brighton Pavilion last year.

Among the stars who have openly shown support for their chosen parties are Glastonbury headliner Dua Lipa, who has shared her dismay over the current political leaders, and comedian Dawn French, who has urged people to vote tactically in order to get the Tories out. But it's not just famous faces in the entertainment industry who are getting involved. Business leaders, athletes, and even artists have also made their political allegiances known.

Labour has received endorsements from the likes of former Manchester United footballer Gary Neville, who recently interviewed party leader Keir Starmer. Blur drummer Dave Rowntree is even running as an MP for the party in Mid Sussex. Meanwhile, celebrity chef Tom Kerridge has spoken out against the Conservative government and has thrown his support behind Labour. And artist Grayson Perry has put their money where their mouth is by donating to the party.

On the other side, the Conservative party has received backing from Sir Bob Geldof, who has pledged to support his friend and Tory candidate Andrew Mitchell in the election. Olympic gold medalist James Cracknell is also running as a Conservative MP, despite previously calling the party a "shower of s**t." And in a surprising move, trip hop group Massive Attack has endorsed Green Party candidate Carla Denyer, citing her focus on climate action and stance on the situation in Gaza.

With so many celebrities publicly endorsing different parties, it's clear that the upcoming general election is not to be taken lightly. It's important for voters to educate themselves on the issues that matter to them and make an informed decision at the polls. Whether you get your information from our free weekly newsletter, our daily updates on WhatsApp, or even our TikTok page for some fact-checking and voter opinions, it's important to stay informed. Let's make our voices heard in the 2024 general election.
As we inch closer to the 2024 general election, political parties in the UK are ramping up their efforts to secure your vote. Public appearances, intense debates, and even some questionable advertising campaigns are all on the agenda as candidates hustle to gain support for their party. However, in recent years, another factor has come into play - celebrity endorsements. Parties are now using their star-studded supporters to sway potential voters in their direction.

Some may scoff at the idea that a famous actor, singer, or TV personality could have any influence on election results. But in 2017, the Grime4Corbyn movement helped Labour win a staggering 77% of the ethnic minority vote. It's no wonder then that parties are eager to capitalize on their celebrity supporters. And it's not just about endorsements - some celebrities are even venturing into the world of politics themselves, like Suzy Eddie Izzard who ran for Labour MP in Brighton Pavilion last year.

As we gear up for the election, various celebrities have been making their political views known. Glastonbury headliner Dua Lipa has expressed her disappointment in the current political leaders we have to choose from, while comedian Dawn French has taken a different approach by urging people to vote tactically just to get the Tories out.

But if you're feeling overwhelmed by the upcoming election, don't worry - we've got you covered. Our free weekly newsletter and daily news and opinion updates on WhatsApp and TikTok will keep you informed on the issues that matter to you, from immigration and tax policies to LGBTQ+ rights and the climate crisis. And if you're always on the go, our mobile-friendly platform has got you covered.

Now, let's take a look at some of the celebrities who have publicly endorsed different political parties in the UK general election 2024.

Labour has a strong lineup of celebrity supporters, including former Manchester United footballer Gary Neville. He recently joined Labour leader Keir Starmer for a walk in The Lake District, where they discussed Starmer's plans for power. Blur drummer Dave Rowntree is also a Labour supporter, and he's taking his political involvement one step further by running as an MP for the party in Mid Sussex. Other notable Labour supporters include celebrity chef Tom Kerridge and artist Grayson Perry, who have both publicly expressed their support for the party and its policies.

On the other side of the political spectrum, we have the Conservatives, who also have their fair share of celebrity supporters. Sir Bob Geldof, the lead singer of The Boomtown Rats, announced that he will be backing Tory candidate Andrew Mitchell in the election. Olympic gold medalist James Cracknell is also running as a Conservative MP in Colchester, despite previously criticizing the party and calling them a "shower of s**t."

The Green Party has also gained some celebrity endorsements, with trip hop group Massive Attack publicly supporting Bristol Central Green Party candidate Carla Denyer. They believe that Denyer's focus on climate action and stance on the issue of genocide in Gaza make her the ideal candidate for Bristol.

As the election draws nearer, it's clear that celebrities are not shying away from publicly supporting their preferred political parties. But ultimately, it's up to each individual to make an informed decision and cast their vote for the party and candidate they believe will best represent their views and values.

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